I’ve been trying to be more active now that the days are sunnier here on the Olympic Peninsula. I notice that I have to rest more often. Not just with exercise but also with work. I used to hate having to rest. I’ve finally embraced it as my body telling me “it’s okay, just take a minute and then you can continue.” I hope you’re all well! This shot is a panorama of Hurricane Ridge. Still snow up there but it’s not really that cold. Met a marmot named Steve too, or maybe it was Alan. Ha! Too bad I can’t load more than one photo per post or you’d see him.
One day at a time: I’ve been trying to be... - My MSAA Community
One day at a time

Beautiful 😊
Just a minute to sit and take a break can mean the world to me!
To take in that view, it is worth every second of rest! Thank you for sharing it!
Thank you. Well said and something I have yet to learn to my advantage. I don't do "rest" well yet.
I am glad you are doing so well. I would love to live on the coast of Oregon or Washington...actually any place west of the Cascades. Almost all my family is out there and those that aren't are trying to be. Our family line on my mother's side went west in the late 1700s early 1800s and never looked back and helped start town like Cottage Grove OR and Oroville, CA. I have lived in Coos Bay/North Bend, OR. Used to harvest sea weed regularly off the pier in Charleston OR. Halcyon days!