Public toilets
Public toilets what do you do? - My MSAA Community
Public toilets what do you do?

My husband washes the toilet 🚽 seat for me when we go into a bathroom you see I use a wheelchair and need assistance.
He is so good too me.
That is so good. Thanks for the laugh 😂
now that is funny

rjoneslaw , I have been caught doing that, except I was in a grocery store and the person was on one of those hands free ear thing, in front of me at the check out line. So embarrassing! And what decent person would talk on the phone while going to the bathroom anyway!
I can’t stand that but one day I thought this person had lost their mind but know they were on there phone. Or maybe they had lol
Ha! LOL! 😍😀😄😃🍁
Funny! Thanks for the laugh!
Been there done that. Good laugh.
Go where ever nearest restroom is if feeling is there. Don't have time for nicities, wish I did
Funny! Thanks for sharing!!! Laugh for the day!
This made my husband and I laugh. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it. 😄❤🌷