Does anyone know if I can get help paying my Chiropractor's Bills
and how? I see him every 2 weeks and it's very expensive.
Does anyone know if I can get help paying my Chiropractor's Bills
and how? I see him every 2 weeks and it's very expensive.
Most states if u dial “211” u get connected with dif programs in ur state to help with just about everything
medicare should be paying but more importantly the doctor's office should know
I'm 57 yrs old. Not old enough for medicare I spoke with HSA with no luck.
I need your opinion. I've been seeing this chiropractor for over 10 yrs. Since my insurance
changed and it's so much more expensive how should I approach him? Tx.
I would ask if they have a program for people who can not afford their entire bill when their insurance changes. Explain your circumstances to them, they may be able to help you out. If I would have seen your post before going to my chiro yesterday I would have asked him what you could do in your circumstances. Keep us updated on what you find out after talking to your chiro.
G-D bless you for your insight and wisdom. I will definitely
keep you posted. Do you think I should also tell him I'm not working outside the home?