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Stem Cell docuseries

dogdaddy profile image
18 Replies

Big push for MS

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dogdaddy profile image
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18 Replies
Tina11762 profile image

Hi! I hate to rain on your parade but be very careful with these people. I have been following this series and brought it to my doctor’s attention. Insurance covers none of this and it is NOT FDA approved. According to all of my doctors and the research that I have found the only legitimate stem cell procedures out they are are still in clinical trials… Check the Tisch Center in NYC. A lot of doctors off for this so-called “miracle treatment” that does nothing but deplete your bank account. I’m so sorry to sound so negative especially because I so desperately want to believe these people… My MS is progressing and I am confined to a wheelchair. A great book to check out that talks about all of this is Chasing Hope by Richard Cohen. He is Meredith Vieira‘s husband.

MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructible in reply to Tina11762

thank you for input. It's not being negative as much as it is being concerned and informative. Thanks you your reply

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to MS_Indestructible

Have you ever heard of Dr Burts work in Chicago? My friend with MS credits him with saving her life!

MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructible in reply to dogdaddy

yes, I have heard of him quite a bit. I don't have the money to pursue stem cell seriously, however, I do believe he is the best and most advanced in stem cell technology.

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to MS_Indestructible

HSCT involves CHEMO which I don't want...chemo poisons the body and he charges 125K + which is outrageous

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to Tina11762

HOW LONG AGO WAS BOOK WRITTEN? Stem Cell therapy has come a long way in the last year alone, The Tisch center doesn't even have full funding for their trial last I heard! If we wait on the FDA to approve we will be dead first. I too am in a wheelchair! I plan on getting stem cell treatments at US stem cell the most experienced and affordable place out there. They are already working miracles and have a team of the most qualified stem cell Dr's in the USA.!

Tina11762 profile image
Tina11762 in reply to dogdaddy

Hi. It was published in May 2018. I am enclosing a link to goodreads so you can see the reviews of positive and negative.

I understand your frustration and I’m not saying don’t do it I’m just saying get as much information as you can before you go.

Please let us know how it goes. I pray that it goes well for you. Ironically enough, today is my birthday and my birthday wish will be the same one it’s been for the past 10 years… That MS is wiped off the face of the earth.

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to Tina11762

Happy Birthday! They've had excellent results at US stem cells with neurological diseases . I've done my research and I've chosen US Stem cells as they've worked with MS patients in the past with good results. It's not a one time fix, it takes several treatments at least, but you can bank your cells for further treatments so you only have to undergo the liposuction once, and they can mail the stem cells so I can get future treatments locally. All for 12K and it doesn't matter that it's not covered by insurance because I don't have insurance anyway!

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to Tina11762

after reading the review of the book, one thing I can tell you that stem cells can't work so far on sight issues (of which I have none) and the vatican was involved....geez...what kind of stem cells did they use on him?

Tina11762 profile image
Tina11762 in reply to dogdaddy

I believe they used MESENCHYMAL stem cells. Because they are taken from the patient’s own body and not embryonic stem cells the Vatican is a big proponent of this type of therapy… Go figure. I don’t have sight issues either. Mine is all mobility related. I cannot walk and I can’t even raise my arms over my head. I can’t really be left alone because of it and it’s hard not just on me but on my husband and two children as well. When are you thinking of getting the procedure done? I wish you all the best and please let me know how it goes. If it goes well for you then maybe there’s hope for me too.

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to Tina11762

Yes US Stem cells uses MESENCHYMAL stem cells too from your own fat cells. I have mobility issues too. I can't walk at all since my last relapse with walker or rollator. I have extreme foot drop on my right foot to the point where I'm dragging it around transferring from chair to bed. I have balance issue too.

I have problems with my right arm also can't lift that one as high and I can't write with that hand which is my dominant hand. I lost my speech 2 time after relapses but got it back both times after IV steroids but not the same as pre MS. I am a mess!

The biggest problem for me is flying to Florida because I am not able to use a public restroom. I've raised 4K through a gofundme page for the stem cell treatments. Also I have to arrange for someone to stay with my pets while I'm gone. I figure worst case scenario is I have to have a catheter put in for the trip. The upside is the treatment itself only takes about 4 hrs once I get to Florida :)

MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructible in reply to Tina11762

happy belated birthday, I hope it was wonderful and a change to you daily routine.

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Tina11762

My Md recommends Northwestern in Chicago for stem cell transplants, if you can get in. It’s legit and the practice is well established.

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to kdali

He uses chemo and charges 125K for one treatment. I much prefer Kristin Comella, PhD and US Stem Cells which is priced around 10K. But I need a lot done. so I was quoted 12K with cell banking for future use

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to dogdaddy

When are you going?

We are taking a family member to Utah for it in a few weeks, but they don’t have MS. They use umbilical stem cells and open the blood brain barrier by using mannitol.

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to kdali

see above post for my timeline.

I would be leery about umbilical stem cells as the use is very new and untested and there is some evidence so far that they can turn into cancer cells or go awry. I'd be especially leery about entering them into the blood brain barrier!

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to dogdaddy

Ok! I hope you have success and tell us all about your journey!

We sought out umbilical cells specifically and have to get them past the BBB for it to work.

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to kdali

US Stem cell can get the MESENCHYMAL stem cells past the BB Barrier also

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