Though I'm not eligible, I thought that some of you may be interested. A friend told me about her experiences with this group and raved about it. It looks like you have to be over 65 and on Medicare, but it looks like they have some wonderful exercise/swim classes!
Silver Sneakers: - My MSAA Community
Silver Sneakers
Greaterexp, it's Fancy1959 and I have looked into silver sneakers. It is a great group for those who have the mobility to walk and those who have the balance and again the mobility exercise. And they do offer a variety of classes and at our Recreation Center I often see them walking on the track.
It is available to any age if you're disabled in US.
Silver Sneakers is a benefit under certain medicare supplemental plans. I have AARP and it covers Silver Sneakers which is admission to our local Recreation Center. You do not need to have MS or any mobility issues. Just 65 and the right supplemental. The annual rate for the Rec. center for both me and my spouse would be about $300. AARP covers it all.
greaterexp my husband and I both checked into this a couple of years ago. We both are on medicare, but have different secondary ins. from our former workplaces. His ins. covers his membership at our local YMCA, mine does not. The folks at the Y helped us figure it out, it doesn't hurt to ask!