On my Ms awareness necklace I found this fantastic-looking pendant on the internet and bought it. Then I added some things that were very significant to me. Of course I stuck with the orange theme in the beads to represent MS and it's awareness we all strive to spread the word about. The angel is my guardian angel, my dad who passed away about 9 years ago. I certainly need to be looked after with the balance issues I have and the Falls I take. Then I added an elephant. To me the elephant represent strength, courage, and endurance. All things that this monster tries to steal from us but I refuse to give in or give up. It's not always pretty but I'll give it my best shot and that's what is important!
I hope you like it and I just finished tinkering with it and I believe I'm happy with the way it turned out. I can always change it or add charms to it if I feel something represents me better.