Numbness : When I walk short distances my... - My MSAA Community

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MaryMargaret1966 profile image

When I walk short distances my legs go numb. Anyone know why this happens? If I ignore it, then my lower back hurts, then my head gets foggy, then I look stoned ( my eyes get glossy ). So frustrating. Does this happen to anyone else? I know this happens so I avoid going for walks because it exhausts me.

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MaryMargaret1966 profile image
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20 Replies
SueAB profile image

MaryMargaret1966, I can relate to the walking issue. I can swim laps, lift weights and ride my 3 wheeled trike for a couple of miles, but don't ask me to walk! If I walk around the block with my walker, I arrive home barely able to lift my feet and looking like I'm drunk! If you find an answer to your problem, let me know.

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to SueAB

Thank you for your input! ! Appreciate this. I'll have to look into a try cycle. Was just thinking about water... hmm, have to see if there's a pool nearby I can utilize

Raingrrl profile image

Hi MaryMargaret1966 ! When I start getting towards the end of a walk, I can't seem to stay in a straight line and I walk like a drunken sailor. (No offense to any Navy people on here!) My legs don't feel numb but they do feel like the strength is evaporating and they become heavier and heavier. The weirdest part is that I've built up to being able to walk about a mile but I can't seem to go beyond that no matter what I've tried. I'm happy with being able to do a mile though....I don't take that for granted.

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to Raingrrl

That's fantastic that you can due a mile. Yes, drunk feeling seems to be common among us. Such a crazy feeling. Very exhausting, like we hit a wall. I recently got my 1st dose of Rituxan. I get my 2nd dose this next Monday. Not sure how I feel about it. It's been rough. I've only had 1 full day of feeling gret. The rest not so good. So I'm a bit nervous that it won't get better but trying to stay positive and not allow my foggy head to go to dark places. Thank you for sharing your experience!

Raingrrl profile image
Raingrrl in reply to MaryMargaret1966

Hitting a wall is a really good description of what it feels like at the point when my legs start to weaken. The other thing I haven't been able to improve is walking speed. I sometimes walk with a friend and I can't quite keep up with her. She forgets that I have impairments until I get to the drunken sailor stage and start walking into her unintentionally. Having mostly invisible symptoms means its too easy for people to forget you actually do have limitations!

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to Raingrrl

Aside from not being able to increase your speed, be proud of what you are accomplishing!! That a major feat initself, what you are doing. When the numbness sets in I too bumb into the person I'm walking with. Like those people that bob & weave thru traffic cause they think they'll get where there going faster but we definitely know that's not true at

Juleigh21 profile image
Juleigh21 in reply to Raingrrl

Amen Raingrrl ! My husband who’s 6 feet gets so disgusted that I can’t keep up with him. I’m 5’4”. I’ve always had problems keeping up with him. Now- not a chance. I walk slowly. The longer I walk the more it hurts, the stiffer I get, and the heavier my legs feel. If the people I’m walking with knew what a challenge walking long distances are for me they’d be impressed with my resilience!

Raingrrl profile image
Raingrrl in reply to Juleigh21

Yes Juleigh21 .... they would be impressed if only they really understood!! That leg heaviness when the muscle fatigue sets in is hard to describe to people that have never felt it. They think they understand but they don’t. I’m only 5 feet tall and on my good days still have trouble keeping up with most people I know!

Jeremyhess1980 profile image

I have this same thing going on. When I read your post it was like I wrote it cause it’s exactly how I feel. I just found out today that I’m in the early stages. I start steroid infusions later this week and starting medication in 2weeks.

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to Jeremyhess1980

Hi Jeremyhess1980 , stay strong. This is a experience/process we never asked for. Your with a group of wonderful people who shre, sound off, ask questions & share special moments with each other. It's wonderful, I think when I read a post & it's like the words came from me. Like whaaat. Lol But it just means were not alone.

Jeremyhess1980 profile image
Jeremyhess1980 in reply to MaryMargaret1966

Thank you

Things for me took a real turn when I was at work 3 weeks ago. I was doing something on the ground and when I went to stand up I couldn’t and after 3 attempts I had to have 2 coworkers pick me up and take me to the office and then to the ER. Since I have lost my job and am having to move in with a friend. I have no energy and can barley walk through the grocery store without becoming extremely exhausted. My neurologist says I need to exercise and be motivated.. I kinda chuckled and was like yeah I wish it were that easy. I know it’s going to be rough I just don’t know yet how I’m going to handle it.

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to Jeremyhess1980

If not to personal, have you had an MRI done? This is very recent experience over the last few weeks for you, it sounds. If this is the case, try not to be hard on yourself. I'm sorry to hear that you have MS & about losing your job. I hope your friend/family will be supportive sources for you. Every day is different. Some good, some bad , but never 2 days are the same. How to handle it... you will. Just don't forget who you are!

Jackjosh profile image

Yes it happens to me but when my back starts to hurt my legs wobble and sometimes collapse from under me i dont avoid walking cause i want to walk

Jackjosh profile image
Jackjosh in reply to Jackjosh

And i feel drunk too i always say im gonna get arrested for public intoxication and wont even be drunk and when its really hot my left leg drags

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to Jackjosh

It's my right leg that gets clumsy (as I put it). I'm like a cheap date (so to speak) Don't have to buy me drinks just take me for a walk. You'll get the same effect. Slurred speech, wobbling....just trying to make light of something I can't change.

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to Jackjosh

Yes, that's when I get the wobble & drunk look. I haven't fallen though . Probably because at this point I know I've pushed my limit. I don't avoid walking but due avoid talking walks. Like just in the neighborhood . I do like the option of getting a trike to take rides & still be able to work my leg & hip muscles.

Jackjosh profile image

I also avoid long walk and the heat but ill do short walks

Babslover profile image

Hi Mary Margarett: I hope you are doing better. I can’t walk without a walker. My legs don’t allow me to walk far.

MaryMargaret1966 profile image
MaryMargaret1966 in reply to Babslover

Hi Babslover, the past 1-2 monthes has been a roller coaster with symptoms. I was being weened off Tysibri to go on Rituxan. I'm hanging in there though. I work full time (stressful customer service) job. Been off because my brain gets in it's foggy mode & I can't work like that, besides the fatigue. Seems to be alot of us experience the lack of leg cooperation. I'm hopeful, that after my treatment on monday that I feel better. Thank you!!

Babslover profile image

Hi: my problem is I can’t walk far even with my walker, my legs turn to limp noodles. I also have a problem with my equilibrium. I do have a incline bike that I try to ride every day . All I can say is we cannot give up. What ever we do is better than not doing anything at all. I really enjoy this website and the people and comments. 😊

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