Ive had numbness and pins and needles started in face and was treated for Bell’s palsy it’s now spreading everywhere as well as twitching and pain in different parts of my body , I’ve had mri but still waiting for results , I’m very scared and confused , this all started with back and shoulder pain and fatigue but escalated to a mass case of vertigo and then now all of these progressive constant symptoms. All I had was 7days of prednisone from a and e and a bell palsy guessed diagnosis and now all this ... I’m very scared and confused and would like anyone’s input on how they felt and what happened before they were diagnosed . I’m on week 7 off from work because I’m just too weak and the nerves in my head and body are literally alive with activity !! 🙄🙏
Numbness !: Ive had numbness and pins and... - My MSAA Community
Numbness !

When I was diagnosis I was just walking sideways. It wasn't until a relapse that I had really bad symptoms. My legs felt like they wanted to give out. Then I was having muscle spasms which I thought would go away ( I was listening to people who didn't have MS) and I lost my balance. Then I couldn't bend my leg and my walking slowed down
Yes I have that walking on air feeling a lot of the time. I was symptom free for 6 months last year but have had 4 different episodes of pain and weakness mainly upper body so my doc just referred me intitialy to a rheumatologist who suspected psa due my psoriasis but this episode is so much different and way more neurological I cannot describe how scary it is apart from I just don’t seem to have control over my brain and body , I have to think about how to respond when talking , my bladder is that of 80 yr old I’m 45 with just one boy who is at school , my mood is permanently low yet my go seems not in a hurry whatsoever when my employee is asking questions that I just can’t answer .. I feel like I’m losing everything in me at once it is about as frightened as I’ve ever been and I’ve had quite a few medical issues but not like this !! I don’t know what course that ms takes and how it presents itself so I’m just putting it out ther to anyone who’s first attack or noticeable symptoms may of been similar ? 😔
We sure understand your fears right now. I'm sorry you're dealing with difficult symptoms and that you don't know what to tell your employer. It's very hard during what can be a lengthy diagnostic process, but it's so important to find out what's really going on so you may be treated correctly. Though I urge you to be patient, I also urge you to keep pushing for answers. If the neurologist can't seem to answer your questions, don't be afraid to look for another neurologist.
I hope you don't have MS, but we are here for you as you go through the process of finding out what you have. We've been in your shoes in many ways and are here for you to vent or ask questions.
I had a Bell’s palsy, on my left side. My eye is drooped but my doctor new right away what it was, not that he could give me any treatment for it. It is that side of my head that gives me all the pain. Fancy1959 had a Bell’s palsy as well. Take care and write everything down, all new symptoms, and how you feel and take them with you at your next appointment, that way you won’t forget. Keep us updated to how you get on, Blessings Jimeka 🤗
Thank you everyone for you lovely comments and advice .. it’s truly appreciated right now I am due to go to the doctors again on weds so hopefully something positive will come of it fingers crossed 🤞 x