Words of truth from fla teacher of the year - My MSAA Community

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Words of truth from fla teacher of the year

Doubled51 profile image
21 Replies

I just read a Facebook post written by a Florida teacher of the year by the name of Kelly Guthrie Raley that has gone viral about school shootings. She give a very real and totally a frank explanation of so many of our younger generations problems today. It’s a problem that I and I’m sure a lot of you are guilty of. Not with my kids but absolutely my grandkids and I’m ashamed of myself.

Everyone concerned with what’s going on in our country today and especially with our youth this is a must read.

It was also featured on foxnews.com it was that good.

Hug your children and tell them how much you love them everyday because you never know when it might be the last time.

God bless to all


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Doubled51 profile image
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21 Replies
Midgey_Midge06 profile image

I just read it and shared it on my own wall. What she said was truly the root of the problem.

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to Midgey_Midge06

The absolute truth if ever I’ve heard it.


ssdw1958 profile image

I do have to let you know I have been thinking of the children and the 3 adults that had there lives stolen from them, and the people that are hurting from the pain of loosing the people they love. I was also thinking of the others that have been wounded I have been pray for all of them.

Lord Bless them all.

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to ssdw1958


Midgey_Midge06 profile image

I cant even imagine ever having to worry about school shooters when i was back in high school. It wasnt even a thought! We had Ferris Bueller as a role model. Worst we did was skip class and pray r parents never found out. Its truly sad 😢😢

Doubled51 profile image

And if my parents found out I learned about the discipline this teacher was saying she grew up with.🤗


Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to Doubled51

Oh totally! My parents put the fear of God in all us kids. I dont think my parents ever went threw my room but i never had anything to hide so they may have. Who knows?

janetb1968 profile image

I have to say that the Florida shooting is so awful and it would've been something we would never have considered in 80's England. Then Dunblane happened which was so awful aswell 💓thinking of u all and prayers for the wounded and sadly the people who have lost there lives 💓💓💓💓 I need to read what the teacher wrote and I skipped school only once but my dad and the dad's of my 3 friends went absolutely mad and we were all grounded (rightly so!) and then got told off and punished by my school. Kids now today just seem to do what they want and get away with it. It's very sad 😑😑😑😑

Doubled51 profile image

It’s a very good article worth reading about how we were raised and why we didn’t do bad things. Because we knew we would face consequences for our actions before we got out of hand.

SometimesCrazy profile image

Great article. Reality TV. I can't believe the bachelor has been on for so long. Chances are you are going to be dumped in front of millions of people but that is after you do really demeaning things like sleep with this guy you don't know. I am not a prude but how can a young woman act like that and be able to walk into their parents house and look their father in the eyes without dying of shame is beyond me. Because their parents are buddies. Do your job parents and get over Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to SometimesCrazy

Nobody faces consequences anymore. My parents were my friends but never my buddies. And my kids will tell you they never thought they were our buddies either. My son and I hunt and enjoy a lot of things together but he will tell you right I’m his daddy not his buddy.

4fishylady profile image

OK, folks. This is from a 75 year old, with a concealed carry license. Face it! Any place that is a "gun free zone" is an area that is open to target practice, by any mentally deranged person, or anyone else capable of stealing a weapon of any kind! Law abiding citizens, with concealed carry permits, are not the ones shooting at innocent victims! Both the police and the FBI failed miserably in doing their jobs! If the security officers and some of the teachers had been carrying concealed guns, this might have been stopped, before any of this had happened. What's the benefit of having a security guard who is not well trained and carrying a weapon, whether concealed or not, in this day and age?

It is time for all of our school systems to take responsibility for the students entrusted into their oversight. In the time it takes for the police to arrive on the scene anywhere, many lives have already been taken, by these evil and sometimes insane people. Mental health issues must be reported to the authorities, so that those people are stopped from buying any kind of weapon by the background checks. Of course, if guns are in the home, they must be totally secured from use by anyone other than the responsible licensed owner.

As I said before, the law abiding citizens, with concealed carry permits, are not the ones shooting at innocent victims! Don't take away our right to defend ourselves. History tells us that in any country where the arms are taken away from it's citizens, those citizens are subject to having all their rights taken away by the government, as in Germany's history. Did you know that the Swiss have a higher gun ownership percentage than even in America? Yes, the peaceful Swiss! Check it out!

Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to 4fishylady

Totally agree 100%! That security guard/football coach wud still be alive had he been able to shoot back.

Doubled51 profile image

4fishylady . I agree 100%. I have a concealed carry permit and take my gun everywhere I go. If you take away guns the next weapon will be knives. Take away knives it will be ball bats. When a person wants to kill they will find away. My grandsons school group actually presented a bill before the SC legislature last year to train and arm their security guards. Of course they were ignored but imagine that a 14 year old boy and his fellow classmates are concerned enough and smart enough to see that armed security in their schools would deter a lot of this violence and tragic deaths.

If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.


4fishylady profile image

Hey, that's the best one liner I've seen lately! You've got it right! Thanks for that one!

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to 4fishylady

Your welcome.


Birdymom3 profile image
Birdymom3 in reply to Doubled51

I think that you should have to buzzed into school's like apartment buildings with person to let them in like a security guard or off duty police officer.

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to Birdymom3

A very good idea. We have many veterans and off duty or out of work police that would welcome the opportunity to protect our children.


ssdw1958 profile image

I use to work in a school system and that’s the only way you could get in was by getting buzzed in, and yes being someone that worked in a school you feel that those children are your responsibility. For that time in school they are yours. I can’t believe those buildings in Florida were all unlocked who’s bright idea was that and what it sounds like they didn’t have any security.

Oh believe me I am not putting all the blaming on the people who worked at the school but where were the higher up people. Was there a security guard?? To many people failed all the people in that school. That child should not have had any guns. I am very upset about this whole situation.

And if you do take away all the guns who is going to protect all the people who are the law abiding citizens. To questions and not any answers.

Doubled51 profile image

I agree totally. Everyone wants to play blame games but no one wants to address how to stop these things from happening. This young man showed that he was mentally unstable and posted on social media over and over what he was gonna do. He told students that he was gonna be a school shooter. But law enforcement and the FBI all ignored his warnings. No he shouldn’t have had access to a gun and if his threats had been acted on he should have been receiving the mental help he needed instead of running loose. He posted repeatedly what he was gonna do but was ignored by the people sworn to protect our children.

Court houses where judges and politicians work have armed police guards. As do house rep and congress. Are our children less important. I think not.


Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to Doubled51

For real!

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