How do you feel about it? For me it makes me sleepy about an hr after taking it and it brings my pain 1/2 way from where it was. And unless I get like 8+ hrs of sleep I'm unbalanced when I wake in the morning.
Lyrica ?: How do you feel about it? For... - My MSAA Community
Lyrica ?

I had trouble with it at first, but I built tolerance to it. Now I’m taking 300 mg twice a day along with everything else that could possibly make someone groggy! I’m honestly not sure how I function at all I tried neurontil but that was the one that knocked me on my butt. It’s weird how meds affect people differently.
I have had no problems with Lyrica, it helps with my pain.
@LadyQ0 I took it for restless leg syndrome and I had to come off of it for swelling in my feet and ankles. That was my experience with Lyrica.
LadyQ0 i take it. My neurologist keeps wanting to increase it but any more than 75 mg and it makes the restless leg worse. I am really sensitive to drugs, but it does help me sleep at night. I am supposed to take 75mg in a morning, but I only take 25mg as I don't want a fuzzy head all day. Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈
I take both pills at night because it makes me sleepy and fuzzy, but like I said if I don't sleep a certain amount of time it makes me fuzzy when i wake up any ways. So... I don't know. I'm going to talk to him on Monday when I go see if there are any other options. But don't know if it'll be worse to change or stay where I'm at.
I take 50 in am and 100 hs and find it most helpful. more would help, but I'm wary of the side effects.