Yes ๐
Grateful for the moments...: Yes ๐ - My MSAA Community
Grateful for the moments...

Beautiful erash
Today Day 5 of Gratitude, I am grateful for Televisions! I have mine here in the bedroom. Hubby has been watching the NY City Marathon since 6:00AM, and can watch anything he chooses the rest of the day. Did you all remember to change the clocks back? I set an alarm on my phone to remind me! Blessings on a beautiful Fall day.
All of the clocks are changed except the one in the kitchen I asked my husband last night to change it but he was too tired and now he is Work I do have a clock in the room I am in but I can still see the kitchen clock in an hour when it gets dark Iโm going to want to go to sleep ๐ด. Oh well another day in the life and Times of Sandra W.My husband needs to come home soon I am going to start talking to the walls soon LOL bye for now
You can always talk to us ssdw1958
Recently I told someone I was talking to myself much more than ever.
She said, probably you are not talking to yourself more, just listening to yourself more
erash good one โ๏ธ I talk to Razor all the time. No one can understand it but I think it is just like having company. When everyone is out and about Razor and I spend a lot of time together alone so I talk to him like I would a human. One thing for sure, no one talks back or gives me any lip. Lol ๐
That leaf is beautiful in its simplicity, @erash. It needs nothing to add to its splendor. I like the line that goes with it, too. Thanks. It's a good reminder that I don't have to fill my day to make it a good one. I can dress it down and still find the beauty in it. Today the view from my couch is quite satisfying after weeks of go-go-go. ๐
Erash, what a beautiful sentiment. I wish it was it's easy to live simply today as it was 4 years ago but it seems so complicated just to be simple today. My husband fusses at me because every time we go somewhere I want to taking in Mountain load of stuff with me. I usually have either my electric scooter or Walker. I have an extra bag of clothes just in case I need a sudden change. And I usually take my phone and eReader with me in case I have to go sit somewhere quietly and rest. So, so much for simple. Fancy