Hi my name is Lisa I was diagnosed in 2014 with MS my doctor wasn't sure which one I have I'm still learning about things and still trying to accept it
Hello: Hi my name is Lisa I was diagnosed... - My MSAA Community
Lisajp1018 , welcome to the group! I hope you find as much information and support here as I have.
It’s a roller coaster of symptoms and emotions at times with MS, as well as in terms of acceptance. You’re here with a group who understand!
Hi Lisajp1018 ! Its a tough diagnosis to accept for most of us. I was able to accept it quickly only because I had myself convinced I had something worse like an inoperable tumor. I was a single mom at the time and was worried about who would raise my daughter if I wasn't around. I have quite the imagination! So...MS was the lesser of evils.
Its a little odd that your doctor doesn't know which form of MS you have. If you aren't seeing a neurologist that specializes in MS, you might consider finding one to be part of your medical team. They typically keep up with the latest info related to MS...much more so than a non-MS neurologist or regular doctor. Just a suggestion.
Hi Lisajp1018 Welcome to Our MSAA Community 😊 If you want to learn, this the place!😄 As far as accepting this monster? Well, everyone is different with that. Some days I accept it, some days I fight it tooth and nail! 💕 I wonder where that saying came from? 😒 Anyway! 😄
Welcome to the family!
~Hugs n Luvs ~
J 🌠👻
Hi Lisa,
Welcome to our group of MS warriors. It's a great place to vent, feel sad, feel happy, find out how others cope, ask questions....whatever!
Lisajp1018 Welcome to the group! It is amazing how much you can learn from other warriors who understand what each is facing.
Thank you
@lisajp1018 Welcome I was diagnosed 2014 also but I had it for a lot longer. You will find this a very supportive group and a great source of information.
@lisajp1018 I forgot to tell you my doctor told me it doesn't matter which MS I have. Then I learned that if they tell you that it's other than RRMS that the insurance company may not want to pay for your meds.
Okay well thank you for the info but I'm not seeing a doctor anymore and I don't take meds just God and essential oils I don't work I have no insurance my husband is the only one working and the government can't help us cuz he makes too much money I'd like to know where the money is I have been to there doctor and he said I was disabled but he only put it for three years but they still can't help because of my husband making too much money but I'm doing fine with God and my oils
Can’t you be on husbands insurance? What about SSDI, did you work prior? I know it’s tough to go thru money issues.
No he doesn't have insurance either cause we can't afford it and yes I did work but they said I'm missing 2 quarters
Sorry to hear that. My wife lacks one quarter also. She had stayed home to raise our son. Can’t get SSDI and has chrons and arthritis, both chronic. She is 59. I have been on SSDI for two years due to stage four throat cancer and unable to work. We are on Obama’s health plan. What about it?
2014...Me too! Just keep going. I keep going until I just start to tire and then I stop. If I push past that I WILL pay for it! Life does not stop with this stupid disease.
I will I like to think of myself as a fighter and a worrier but some days I'm not so sure but you hang in there to
Hi again Lisajp1018 Having MS and being a fighter come hand in hand I think! Cause all you can do is fight it!
Let's see if I can help you on the road for insurance😉 mymsaa.org has an 800 532-7667 ext. 154 give them a call.
They might be able to get things going for you.😊
Jes 🌠👻