Anyone know? TIA
How do you add a PDF or word attachment ... - My MSAA Community
How do you add a PDF or word attachment to a post?

Good morning erash, it's Fancy1959. It is so very good to speak to you once again. I can honestly say that you inspire me and typically teach me something every time you make a post. Course there are several people in the chat room that do the same thing and if I name names this post will be very very long so we'll move on to your question. Typically if you have the equipment what I would do is take the PDF file and pull it up on one computer. Then if you're lucky enough to have a laptop or a notebook Etc take a picture of the PDF file. Then save the picture in your pictures. Once you make your post you can add a picture very easily and make it an attachment through the picture end of post. At other times I have emailed the PDF file to myself and then I save the PDF file to my pictures or my documents, anywhere I know how to get to. See if either one of those work. I hope I helped and if not it was still really really good speak to you. Take care until we talk again.
Darn! Not working 🙁
Trying to attach 2 8page summaries of current MS treatments that were in my September Prescribers Letter
I'll keep working at it
Private message me Jesmcd2 (or anyone else interested) with your email and I can email you the PDFs
Hi erash! Can't answer your question but wonder if you have any knowledge of the cannabidoil oil I've seen on the internet makes all kinds of promises and has
none of the product that causes a high. dr92636
Check these two sites out. Hope they help, I use them all the time.