erash , You have always been here with your informative posts and I sure miss you!
Erash, Where are you?: erash, You have... - My MSAA Community
Erash, Where are you?

thanks! SueAB
I'm here...can't remember if I posted anything yesterday...may have just clicked the like buttons.
I'm having blurry vision that is making the computer screen challenging and a very short attention span or maybe it's a motivation deficit?
Does MS affect motivation? I'm not feeling depressed just not motivated to do stuff. I will have to look for some garden or nature photo postings from you all to perk me up or kick myself in the butt to energize my battery 😜
erash I read something about Provigil being a motivator, which was one of the biggest benefits I got when I took it. However, the insomnia trade off wasn't worth it. Hoping you find your motivator today! Coffee?
Fatigue affects my energy, erash . Maybe you're already doing enough? I know you volunteer a lot. Perhaps that is how you spend what energy you have. A great way if you love what you are doing! But I'm sorry about your vision. Have you had a regular vision test lately? Maybe it's not MS-related. My dry eyes are the culprit for my blurriness. I hope you feel more like yourself soon. 💕
WAshingtongirl i had a full eye exam in November, no dry eyes and tried Blink tears w/o benefit
Neuro says it's the MS
Neuro ophthalmologist says nothing's wrong, no ON
As far as fatigue, physically I'm doing ok, but my brain feels like it went on vacation... Lack of concentration. Hence not motivated to engage in any brain effort beyond crossword puzzles which I'm not motivated to complete if I have to try too hard. Could be brain fatigue...
No doubt, like much of my MS symptoms, this will likely go away or I'll adapt 😊
You just described my mental fatigue far better than I have been able to, erash . I'm just exhausted. Menatally drained. Ritalin has helped me a little-enabling me to physically push through a task or two in the morning, but it hasn't helped with my concentration, ability to carry on conversations, or pushing through in the afternoons, etc. I nap and feel a bit better, but am still unable to do much after I've rested. But it's better than sitting like a zombie or growling or snapping at my poor husband when he asks me a simple question. Sometimes I'm so tired I just want to be left alone. 💞
Provigil gave me a headache and I still needed coffee to get thorough my shift. Do you think Nuvigil is better?
Blurry vision and lack of motivation would earn me a nap! I hope this passes for you soon.
erash , I'm sorry to learn your motivation is in the tank and that you're having vision problems. You described what I was feeling for a few weeks before our move. I'd find myself sitting, unable to focus on anything for long and simply no desire to try. I hope this passes as quickly for you as it did for me. I guess we need to allow ourselves a break from mental activity as well as the physical activity when we need to.
Feel better soon.