Honestly the thing that cuts t... - My MSAA Community

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Honestly the thing that cuts t...

Fattius profile image
20 Replies

Honestly the thing that cuts the deepest is the fact that when your poor, on Medicaid, and mention pain they treat you like a leopar and feind! The fact has kept me livid for over a decade!

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Fattius profile image
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20 Replies
Nom_De_Plume profile image

@fattius Are you saying that they treat you like a drug addict who is just med-seeking?

Fattius profile image
Fattius in reply to Nom_De_Plume

They dont know what to think. Knowing pain is understanding! But they dont have time for Medicaid, but hey I paid in for nothing I guess

Doubled51 profile image

Welcome to the club.

rlh1974 profile image

Fattius I completely get it. I have chronic back (thoracic) pain from my MS. With all the rule changes, you get treated like......... insert name here. I have a pain specialist who is amazing. I was on Opana, but he explained to me yesterday that the only drug that helps so many with actual pain is no longer in production. Thanks to the U.S. Government! They pressured the manufacturers to stop making it. So now I have been put on methadone. Hoping it works as well. But talk about being looked at like an addict! Man, go to the drug store and hand over the RX! Holy Crap! Hope things get better my friend!


Fattius profile image
Fattius in reply to rlh1974

I understand completely! I used to love my wife,kids,life in general, but now death seems like the best candidate and even it has turned its back on me! Why should a grown ass man have to keep suffering? But I'm the selfish one for not wanting this nightmare to continue!

Fattius profile image
Fattius in reply to Fattius

Sure love loathing life, its why I wake up

jackiesj profile image
jackiesj in reply to rlh1974

have had the exact same problem.Now, its not they aren't making it, it is that insuramce isn't covering it.I finally was level on a good pain scale, I could walk etc, I got out.In one day my life changed and after changing to another med, I'm so very ill all over and feel the ravage of ms or jc.or both.The entire office fought for me,Greatly blessed I paid out of pocket 2000 to get off even after they sent a letter id be covered for a year.Life is not fair I have found out but show grateful to who ever tries to make it fair.best wishes.med changes horrible.

Fattius profile image
Fattius in reply to jackiesj

I'm sorry! No one should have to go through this plus have the headache of med changes insurance etc.

in reply to jackiesj

Contact dr to contact prior authorization to cover the med that worked. Also charity care and drug company.

rlh1974 profile image

Fattius I wish I had the answer. As I am struggling with this my self. I have been for over a decade without a diagnosis. Now, because everyone missed it, I have PPMS. Today my boss is coming to collect my company assets and I have been let because my disability it up from work. Thank God I have federal now. But that comes with strings. As you know. I just know a couple of things. This is a great place to come, vent and more importantly, listen. See what others say and how they have got through. Ask questions. Death is so so Not the answer. Sometimes being strong is impossible. That is when we lean on each other. I also, am a believer in God. I ask him why all the time. I don't know how you feel about God and I do not mean to preach. OK I do. But with out him. I do not know what I would do. I am going to share a verse. maybe it will help. Or tell me to F off. either way. Paul wrote this. Maybe, just maybe this will help. If not. read peoples stories here. Ask questions. We all love you !

Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me, My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:7-10‬ ‭MSG

Love you all!


Fattius profile image
Fattius in reply to rlh1974

Listen I don't mean to offend you okay but to be a vengeful spiteful God that banishes people to hell for not tithing 10% of their paycheck and allow small children everyday murdered and raped in the name of giving some preacher 10% of a paycheck that barely pays bills and so he can have a million dollars in his bank account live in a 2500 square foot house and look down upon people with less than holier-than-thou

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Fattius

I am truly sorry you feel that way. However, I can assure you. Those things are untrue. Not tithing, does not send you to hell. If you have a problem with the church. My apologies my new friend. I assure you, my goal is to help. To plant a seed of hope. You have been fed guilt by a church or friends that go to church. I am so sorry it has made you angry. I won't push it with you. Nor hold anything against you. What I shared helped me find comfort today. I was passing it along to hopefully help you. Not to make you angry. So forgive me. And you have my apologies for offending you with my beliefs.

Fattius profile image
Fattius in reply to rlh1974

thank you for your apology like I said I didn't mean to ruin a good thing with y'all dispenser but to say you weren't going to preach and then jokingly push that aside to say you're going to preach isn't funny like I said if you would like me to go I'm more than fine with that I just don't want to be fake with any of you and you don't have to be fake with me

jackiesj profile image
jackiesj in reply to Fattius

We are who we are, all differences and the same.We all fight hell and we have joy.I get it though because I even religious have been judged.Kindness is accepted rih...it is true, god would not wish this on anyone.I will just say Christ is my Savior and leave that there because everyone can chose and actions occur from choices.All on the news someone started.I cant blame one person on what society does or what we have done to the environment.I will apologize ahead of time..and I will take all the prayers I can get.Most of the time I think God is in the creations but not in the doings of mankind. I am a miracle I am still here....

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Fattius

Never go!!! We had a misunderstanding. That happens. Life goes on! Ask anyone here. My point was to encourage! Not piss you off. So, thanks for accepting my apology and we move along! Everyone is welcome here my friend! No matter thoughts or beliefs! I said my part. You countered with your beliefs. I completely respect you and those beliefs. So, please continue to vent and ask questions! We are all here to listen and encourage. I will encourage you in a different manner. You are having a really tough time! Vent, be pissed! Yell and scream! All welcome here!

Thank you for sharing my new friend!

jackiesj profile image

This is what I love about this group, we all can be a mess or we can all be great and we get it!I Id love for us all to feel better but each one of us is doing our best and sharing the rest....what do you get when you mix a snowman and a vampire???????

FROST BITE>>>>>>>>!

ssdw1958 profile image

We all have our pains we fight with but I do hate to say we are all in the same boat the MS boat. Everyone has there own beliefs and that is ok but in the end we are all trying to keep our heads above that water line. I am trying to stay positive with myself because when I don't I just want to sit in my house and cry. I think of the people that screwed me wish my job and am thankful when I can pay the bills here I am 58 years old I am out of work for the past two years, I am lucky my husband works. I can't stand it people think your out of work and you have a disability your rolling in the money that is so untrue. So when we start to get on each other's nerves we all have to step back and say we are all in that same boat trying to keep our heads above that water line.

You know what maybe I should write a book, I've never have written like this before.

Has nothing to do with being on Medicaid. All pain patients are treated as drug seekers. Just try not asking for any and never take more than prescribed and when they try to give them to you say you would rather have them fix the problem. And say you don't want to much cause you don't want to build up immunity. You want meds to work for next 20-40 years

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to

I agree with you I had slipped back in to my car (the seat was right there) and I fractured a rib not bad but it did hurt I went to the ER and they wanted to give me strong medicine but I didn't want them. For one reason they knock me out. Then they decided on Tylenol with Codeine 10 mg I was pleased and said I can do that. I actually had one of my sons friends mothers ask him to ask me for some drugs, she said her knee was hurting hers. ( he was about 16 years old) I called her up and told her I don't have strong meds like that I told her that I don't have those kinds of medicines. I then told my son that I don't have those kind of drugs in the house. You find out a lot about people when you have a disease. The good and the bad.

Also try injections, nerve ablations, nerve blocks, etc

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