GAH!: Ever have one of those nights where... - My MSAA Community

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rlh1974 profile image
27 Replies

Ever have one of those nights where no matter what, your bed is like a piece of wood? Your eyes pop open. Your pillow feels like a chance of steal? So you get up early. Hoping maybe, just maybe that will be better? And it is worse!? I should have got up 30 minutes after I went to bed! Worst part is with teenagers and their friends and builders etc. All my meds are in a lock box in the closet. Which if I were open the door, my wife would pop awake and we would both be up and miserable. I truly truly hate this freaking disease!

Happy Saturday!


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rlh1974 profile image
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27 Replies
greaterexp profile image

rlh1974 , you've had quite a few bad nights lately, haven't you? I'm sorry you're not sleeping well. We will be praying for a truly restful night tonight.

Jesmcd2 profile image

Hey rlh1974 ugh 😰 I hate nights like that!😠 I hope you get some rest today! And completely understand about the lockbox thing! Mine are locked also.😊

J 🌠

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Jesmcd2

Jesmcd2 I have too. I trust my kids to point. But its the old their friends or friends of friends. The builders that have been in and out. My narcotic is at my dose 4 times more powerful than morphine. Plus I take Diazapam. Those are the two I worry about. I guess I shod but the muscle relaxers in their too. They can cause a whole lot of damage. I tried the whole pill box thing, but that left them out in the open. Being on 15 pills in the morning, 10 afternoon and 8 at night. That is a ton of medication to just leave laying around.


rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to rlh1974


Iona60 profile image
Iona60 in reply to rlh1974

rlh1974 May you could take a few of your needed pills and put them in a 2nd lock box, within close reach of your bed, or in another room, where you access them without disturbing anyone.

Hope you get some rest!

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Iona60

Iona60 I have a pill bottle in my drawer with the morning dose. That is a great Idea. Just this morning I finally gave up at 5:20 and got up with the dog. It's funny. When I reach in there in the middle of the night for the extra dose I can take, or especially at 5am my wife is such a light sleeper and is always so worried about me, she would wake and ask me whats wrong, then be up herself. Since I was up, I figured I would sneak out and take the dog with me. Poor wife gets like 4 hours of sleep a night. So I skipped the pills snuck out successfully and the dog actually didn't do his morning super loud wake up shake until we were in the kitchen and the door was closed. I figured I could suffer a little bit so she could get a full 8 hours of sleep. She suffered for me all the time. All day everyday.

I know I call all of you my lovelies and love on all of you and vise versa, She is my true lovely. One of a kind. Absolutely amazing woman, that if I have to suffer for a few hours, it is totally worth it. I mean, I could need my extra Diazapam or Gabebentin in the middle of the night, and she is on it. Or a low blood sugar. She won't even let me get out of bed for a glass of juice! I wish I could portray to you all what a rockstar she truly is. This woman would absolutely give her life for me. As I would do the same. But she basically has for the last several years. I worry about her so so much!

Ok, Ok, enough of my rant about my amazing wife. Sorry.

Love all you guys!


CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to rlh1974

Wow, you married Wonder Woman!! Wonderful to hear your praise of her. Wishing you both sweet dreams. 😴😴

Iona60 profile image
Iona60 in reply to rlh1974

rlh1974 Hide some in the kitchen, then go back to sleep in the recliner. This is what I do!

Eleyne92 profile image
Eleyne92 in reply to rlh1974

rlh1974 Your wife is an angel. Thank you for sharing her with us like this. You are blessed.

I hope you're able to get some relief and sleep yourself.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Eleyne92

Eleyne92 She is, every day she puts a smile on my face!

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to rlh1974

I totally understand. From past experience I keep my pain narcotics and sleeping medications. A few years back. My Xanax and Percocet mysteriously disappeared occasionally so I solved that problem with a good safe. I don't take the Xanax anymore but being an insominac and after 2 back surgeries without my medication I'm more useless than I am now.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Doubled51

Like you. The back surgeries still get to me. Then my chronic thoracic spine pain from this stupid MS. Without them, I would sleep every night like that one. Last night, I crawled into bed. Set up the laptop for the news and SNL. Fell asleep 5 minutes into the 10 pm news and woke up with a gasp of pain like every morning at 8:30 am. Was glorious! What surgeries did you have. We can compare notes and how it effects our MS. Or shall I say adds to the pain of MS.

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to rlh1974

2 disc removed from lower back and spinal fusion with a cadaver bone and all related plates pins and screws in 2004. Then the same procedure on my neck in 2006 using my own bone from my hip. Then fell chasing my grandson in a store and broke my hand completely of my arm so an 8 in plate in my hand attaching my hand back on. I set of all the metal detectors at the court houses. Haha. I do have chronic pain in my neck and shoulders thanks to our friend ms but the gabapentin does help it a lot.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Doubled51

Doubled51 darn grandkids! HAHAHAHA! I had 4 levels fused in my lower back, including new vertebra when I was 24. I broke it in 3 spots when I was 16 and it just never healed properly. I used my own bone in that one. My hip hurts just as bad the older I get due to that. I also had 3 fused in my neck 14 years ago, (They found that had been broken in 2 spots without my knowledge) with a cadaver bone. They found that when my Thoracic was acting up. Flair up turns out. Still pissed they missed the lesions when they read the MRI. All my Dr's see them now looking at those copies. Then about 8 years ago, my Thoracic acted up along with headaches to the point I just cried all the time. They found "nothing" in that MRI, but decided to look up. They found all that was holding my head to the rest of me was 8 screws and 2 metal plates. I was a bobble head! :) SO I had to have that fusion redone with my own bone from my hip. Again, looking at those MRI's my MS guy sees the lesions. It makes me sooooo angry. could have been on Disease altering meds 14 years ago. Thus not being on federal disability now. I sound like an old man in my 90's but man, my hips neck and back hurt like crazy when there are big weather changes!!!!! But hips hurt all the time. First Dr said that my hip would hurt worse than my back. I did not believe him. Well he was correct. Both my hips will sometimes spread out. I should say pelvis. Then I can't walk. Drives me nuts. I have also had about 12 over surgeries on my lumbar and cervical spine trying to correct the problems before the fusions. 14 years ago, That is what they did before fusing. Plus I had 3 when I was 16 and originally broke my back. I still wanted to play soccer, so they patched me up and got me on the field. Stupid Decision. Then I joined the Army. Good thing they found my diabetes before I turned 18 and kicked me out. I can't imagine the pain I would be in from jumping out of air planes and continual deployments. I know so many guys whose bodies are just beat to hell after 10 years of combat. Please nobody thank me. I went in at 17 did my basic training came down with diabetes and got kicked out. I did nothing for our country! Respect goes to my buddies I made that never came home. And those who are still fighting. I don't share that fact about me and the army for that reason. You guys are special.

Anyway, Sorry for my run on paragraph ramble!

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to rlh1974

I was deer hunting in 1982 and a step broke on my ladder and I fell flat on my back about 15' fracturing a vertebra in my lower back. Wire a brace for 6 weeks but had back problems ever since. Got 2 more disc gone directly above the fusion in lower back so my orthopedic surgeon wants to replace them and do another fusion but it ain't that bad yet. Haha. I think I hurt as bad after the ones I've already had so why go thru all that when the other2 didn't stop the pain. Haha. Maybe if it gets to bad we will do it but not yet. They don't seem willing to give me enough meds to stop the pain I have so why make it worse. If they're giving you something to stop your pain I commend your doctor's cause mine sure dont. Praying your pain gets better my friend and God bless.

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to Doubled51

Ps. God bless and keep all our military past and present. I love and appreciate each and every one of them.

Morllyn profile image

rlh1974 I have been there. Sorry.🙁

Oh yea, no teenagers, or anyone else, except husband.🙂

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Morllyn

Morllyn Exactly! She is the one that tells me to lock them up. I love to brag. The worst thing about my kids is they leave their graphing calculator here at home during school. I don't even know what the heck that is!!!!!! Or they forget their lunch occasionally. But, you never know. Temptation is much greater especially with google. You can find out exactly what they are and side effects. It is really scary!


Morllyn profile image
Morllyn in reply to rlh1974

Your kids sound pretty good but, do not put temptation in front of them. The old saying, "It's better to be safe then sorry" is so true.

Hope you sleep better tonight.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Morllyn

Or all day. Supposed to be in the mid 80's and 85% humidity! Gah! It killed me yesterday with one trip to Home Depot! I should have slept like a baby!

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to rlh1974

I was keeping them where I needed to, by the bed. But the the neighbors kid moved in, along with her 20 yr old bf. Now we have a bunch of kids I don't know hanging around.

J 🌠

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Jesmcd2

Exactly! We have Younglife kids over constantly too. Most of which are not believers. And even so come from addiction or horrible families. So way better safe than sorry. On top of that, the pharmacy and insurance only let me have one day extra supply on pain pills. So if some disappear. I'm screwed!

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to rlh1974

Yeah! Except I know what these kids are into😐 And the daughter has seen these blue eyes turn black! More than once! So it won't last long here😅😅😅

J 🌠

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to rlh1974

The story of my life. While others enjoyed my medicine I suffered.. But that don't happen any more. I don't take them because I want them. I take them because I need them.

CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to Jesmcd2

Lock 'em up, the meds, not the kids. We have a lock on bedroom that needs a key to unlock. Safe in closet.

jimeka profile image

rlh1974 Rob, you are one in a million, and it sounds as though you are married to one in a million. God bless you both. I will pray in agreement with greaterexp for you to have a good nights sleep. Suggestion. Have you tried having what we call a bum bag to put your pills in. It's a small bag that you place around your waist with a zip fastener, I use one when I go on holiday to keep my money etc in. Just an idea. That way you can always have spares on your person. Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🤗 🍫

CalfeeChick profile image

I'm so sorry friend. When I have those nights, I head for the recliner with a light cover. Perhaps that and a secret hiding place of one dose of meds might be the answer. There is an OTC sleep 😴 aid called Meletonin. I get the 3mg chewable tabs & take 1/2 of a tab. It helps me get a little rest. Hope you bed feels much better tonight. Sweet Dreams

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