Read the inspiring article at:
MSAA's Artist of the month.: Read the... - My MSAA Community
MSAA's Artist of the month.
Beautiful and her insights are so true!
It's almost as though we're viewing the flowers through a veil of lace. The artist is very fortunate she's still able to still paint. I am happy for her and thrilled she continues to do so. Have you been painting much, erash ? I know you've been busy with all of your volunteer work too. 💕
I am painting. My orchids bloomed and they are so pretty I'm trying to capture some of that beauty on my canvas.
I've also been coerced by a friend to begin writing again. She's a gifted writer from Ireland and I did a beta read on her wonderful novel length manuscript about a fictional character and the Northern Ireland conflicts.
My current effort is a short story about the Automats of the 1920-30s. So much fun!
How about you @Tutu? Besides traveling the world, what have you been up to?
You'll have to share your orchid painting when you've completed it erash . I must admit I'm a bit envious of your writing. I've tried for a couple years now to get back into writing, but my cognitive difficulties prevent me from doing so. It's been a bit discouraging. I had hoped to get back to writing on this last trip, but no matter how many times I tried, I wasn't able to. Oh well, I'm not totally giving up hope yet. Maybe one day I'll be able to do so again.
I'm happy you've found so many things you enjoy. I'm still reinventing myself, trying different things that don't tax me too much physically or mentally. But we all need a challenge, right?
I've been resting the last few days. Jet lag and a virus kind of wiped me out. I'm sure in a few more days I'll be feeling like myself again.
I spent some time today going over photos from my trip. I'm really pleased with a number of them. 💕
I'm curious about your writers block. Is it the getting started, or word finding or something else?
I worried about my own cognitive issues and the ability to maintain attention long enough, but I'm learning that even brief spurts of 15, 20, 30 minutes a day of painting or writing is so satisfying. And I no longer have to rush to get it done in my spare time between working.
And who cares if it's not great, it's my therapy 😊
Please keep trying @tutu and share those lovely photos 📸
Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks erash . I am feeling much better than I was even a few days ago. My appetite is coming back, so I must be better. 😉
My largest brain lesion is on the right hemisphere, but it's organization, spacial, retention and learning anything new that I struggle with the most. My cog tests confirmed all of that. My problem is not even being able to get started. I start over and over again. It's like the editor is constantly turned on, never allowing the creative side to even get started. So while I love writing and it has always been a big part of who I am, I am finding it extremely frustrating these days. I have two writing critique partners. I haven't submitted a thing for review in over two years, but am still able to edit their work without a problem. I do hope this is only temporary. But if not, it won't be the end of the world. I will grieve another loss, but I'm not willing to wave the white flag just yet. 😉
I hope your cog issues don't interfere with your creative outlets, Liz. We're all different with how MS affects us. Maybe your abilities will remain intact. I do hope so!!! 💕
WAshingtongirl ive always had that editor in my head. It takes me forever to decide on just the right word or sentence structure. I tried to fight it once by systematically filling in an outline but I decided that finding that perfect word, while not very productive, was what made writing joyful for me 😊
I've been using dictation to get myself started. Maybe it would be easier for you to tell a story rather than write to begin with?
Ok, sorry --I'm pushing but that's what my friend did to me and it worked (the last straw was when she sent me a 10 cent pencil sharpener) ✍📝✏️
Thanks @erash. No need to apologize. My husbandwent so far as to attend a writer's conference with me in OR in February, in hope of getting me started again. 😉
WAshingtongirl i forgot to ask...what type of writing do you do? A specific genre? Fiction? NF?
Journalism background with technical writing and NF to date. Been working on a novel the past few years, but I've been unable to make progress with that AND NF works in the last two or so years. Maybe one day...andif not, I'm sure God will replace that longing with something else. Until that happens, I keep hoping. 💕
It reminds me of the cross stitch l used to do. She did a beautiful job☺
Thanks for posting WAshingtongirl ☺