Everyone posts such great wildlife pictures here, and I sure enjoy them. Even with two ponds on our property, I never seem to catch a shot of all the beautiful wildlife. Here's a picture my husband captured of two sleeping squirrels. You might recognize the elder squirrel on the left.
Sleeping squirrels : Everyone posts such... - My MSAA Community
Sleeping squirrels
Aww, such cute sleeping beauties!💕💕
Note the "squirrel" robes my daughter got us. We joke constantly about them.
Are these the common gray or brown squirrels?
Love the 'nesting' photo and your matching robes, greaterexp . Were you both tuckered out after all the Christmas prep and projects you worked on when she was home visiting? 💕
WAshingtongirl , you, my dear, are forever youthful! I should have referred only to myself, as I'm sure no one else can identify with that statement!
You're still a young squirrel compared to me. Actually, not THAT much younger...😉...but never worry about offending me regarding age. As they say, "Age is all in our head..." or something like that. And you know the condition of my head. Ha! 💞
So Sweet. Love it!
Oh how fortunate of your husband to be able to catch such a rarity as 'strawberry blonde' squirrels, they look sheer tuggered out. But so peaceful. Well done to the photographer 🐿 🐿 🦋🌈
Love the above humor...I think that's one of the things that makes this chat room so special! We are comfortable enough to share our personal (sometimes very personal ) problems, add self-deprecating humor, and chide one another 😊😊😊
greaterexp the photo sends out warm and fuzzy feelings 😊 And u 2 look like clones 👭
I love it! greaterexp it's adorable!💕🌠
Now I want to see these squirrels in a tree!
greaterexp Aw, lovely and tender. Thank you.