I'm on to second of five Solumedrol iv treatment. I'm a paraplegic fighting to save my upper body. Right side ok but left is numb, tingling and plain dumb sometimes.
Solumedrol: I'm on to second of five... - My MSAA Community
karenmbloom , I'm sorry you're in need of the solumedrol. I will be praying they halt the inflammation and help preserve your good side. 💕
@karenmbloom, I'm sorry they're having to use one of the big guns but I've heard that solumedrol can help. I hope that it will work well for you!
Hi karenmbloom ! I'm so sorry you need to take IV steriods. I hope they give you the desired affect. Please keep us looped in to your progress.
It dose work
I hope the meds help.
I'm in a similar situation, although I'm not doing the steroids. Doing my grandest to maintain the strength and mobility I still have. I have a bunch of exercises I try to rotate through every couple of days. It's not the most exciting part of my day, but I remind myself that it's one of the most important parts of my W.I.N.ning strategy. (What's Important Now)
Have you worked with a physical or occupational therapist to design a maintenance program to meet your needs?
Yes. I have thesame thing w/discinpline.even set alarm on my cell phone. Had a home visit to help get upper core ideas as left is getting weaker. also got adjustment on my power chair for side support.just got to get rid of numbness, tingling and pain. Thanks and blessings.
Karen, I will be praying it works for you. Let us know how you do. We are all family here, and love and care about each other. Kelly
day four and numbness gone so going in right direction. Thank god for this forum as we are the family that understands. My son, who is my hero thru all of this disease (hit when he was a sophmore in 2008) said on the phone this morning to enjoy my iv this afternoon. WHAT! If he knew that I was frustrated by his "well' wishes he would be devastated. Thank you for your positive thoughts........
The Solumedrol should work. It worked for me. Keep us posted on your progress. I will sending positive thoughts and prayers to you.
Amore55 finished five, made it on same iv so that is a plus to not get repoked (five x first day). anyways, hand is no longer numb....praise god. so left side is less 'stupid' and i expect positive feelings will continue as i rest and get sleep pattern back. Thank you for following up w/me. This is such a good place to share.