Had three days of steroids 1000 mg each day and feel very weak. Anyone out there have similar problem? Thought it was to make more energy but I'm feeling really bad.
Steroids: Had three days of steroids 100... - My MSAA Community
It always gave me a boost
Christopher04, You are a valuable member of our chat room -always so helpful with great info. I am so sorry you are having a rough time. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.
Thankyou. I needed that
Solumedrol always makes me feel much worse before feeling better. Weak, dizzy, extreme fatigue, heartburn, flushing, etc. But eventually I feel much better. I don't even call my neurologist anymore unless the relapse is nasty to avoid the side effects. (I do enjoy the great feeling once the side effects stop though.)
A few weeks ago I had the same IV dose you just finished, then a 12 day taper! I thought it was going to do me in. I felt very weak and tired until about day 7 then got some energy and felt really good. Maybe just give it a little time and you will experience something similar. I sure hope so. Let us know what happens. Kelly
Hi Christopher04
I also did three days of steroid treatment and became quite sick afterwards. Day 1 I felt fine, day 2 not so good, day 3 it seemed to hit me. Headache, nausea, my entire body ached, it was terrible. I didn't feel myself until 7 days later.
Unfortunately I didn't get any relief from the treatment.
Hope you're feeling better!
I have been on steroids, both IV and oral and they always made me weak and gave me a terrible headache. The last time I was on oral I took the first dose and thought my head would explode. My then daughter-in-law suggested it could be my blood sugar. I used my husbands blood sugar kit to check it and it was sky high. Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Like joys-an21 , sometimes my blood sugar goes way high on IV steroids, and I am not a diabetic. If you get Solumedrol during a hospital stay and this happens, they put you on insulin. If I don't get an energy boost, but get very tired instead, I know it's my blood sugar.
Sorry you're feeling so bad Christopher04 .
I recently had a course of steroids, Methyl-Prednisolone 100mg x5 for 5 days. I felt horrific! The first day wasn't too bad but after that I felt shaky, angry to the point of being delirious and not myself at all. Apart from them settling down the eye pain I was having, they really didn't help me very much.
I hope and pray you feel better very soon 😊
Thank you to all who replied to my post. I was ready to go to the emergency room. Anxiety full blown. No energy at all and arms and hands hurt.
Hi Christopher04 sorry to hear that your having a problem with the solumedrol. Did you have a visiting nurse come to your place? And did you tell her what happened?
If it continues, please get ahold of you PCP or Neuro!
ps. ~Helpful Hint~ If put an @ in front of the person who your addressing, they will be notified. IE @ jesmcd2 *With No Spaces*
Christopher04 , I have no experience to share, but am praying for quick relief from these symptoms. It does seem as though the benefits can take several days.
Oh gosh, I have been through quite a few steroid I've rounds and it always made me feel terrible. I would think...well I'm worse than before, this may do me in, etc., but each time after about a week to 10 days, I would feel pretty good again! It's just such a huge load on your body with that high dose, but is worth it in the end!
I do 1250mg for 5 days. By day 3 I usually feel like hammered dog poo. It will pass. You can do it!! And it's not anabolic steroids, that's the kind that turn you into the hulk. 😉
Christopher04 I just finished 3 days of Solu Medrol on the 19th and now I'm on a 12 day taper. I don't feel weak but I do feel completely drained at times. I also feel a little jittery at times but it's not consistent. My friend is a nurse and she explained to me that the taper (if that's what you're on now) isn't as high a dosage as the 3 days of steroids and as a result you're kind of coming down from the medicine. I'm newly diagnosed so I can't even begin to offer any suggestions other than to maybe contact your dr. with your concerns.