I also wanted to share some fun news about my new therapy. My new horse or should I say actually pony arrived yesterday. The lady I got her from called her Buttercup. I am sorry I just can't do that! There's nothing creamy yellow about her either. If I were her that name would embarrass me! She is a Tennessee Walking Pony standing about 14 hands. Officially she is dark buckskin color or what I lovingly call a dirty buckskin! I have changed her name to Sandy Rose. Sandy first because she looks like sand with the variations and Rose for the lady who found her for me. So it seemed fitting to call her Sandy Rose. If she turns out to be as sweet as I hope I will simply call her Rose. She was delivered by the friends who found her yesterday but no one was home so I couldn't ride. I had to settle for playing with her and grooming on her and working on her mane for just over an hour to get to know her a bit. Today I got to get on her for the first time. We have to get to know each other a bit and she has to settle in on the farm because everything is strange for to her right now and making her a little bit more nervous. Hopefully within three or four weeks we'll be a team and be up and having a ball. Here is Rose's picture that my husband took today as i road her today. Wish me luck!
Hippo Therapy running a muck...(sorry, i... - My MSAA Community
Hippo Therapy running a muck...(sorry, it was too good to pass up!)

Very nice, Fancy.
I look very much forward to hearing about these adventures--
"Hi Ho, Sandy Rose, Away. . . . "
-- c
Chris, so far, so good! I rode Rose again today and she was better and more relaxed than Saturday. She still has issues but hopefully within the next month she will figure out I always win because I'm the boss!. She has been hard to catch but today I discovered she loves carrots. I'm excited because they're easy to carry and I will make a point to stop by her paddock three or four times a day with carrots and lure her to me. I will have her eating out of my hand in no time at all! Thanks for the support you offered me and you offer the entire chat room. You brighten our chat room with your soft-spoken wisdom and support. I am so glad you have become part of our family. You help this chat room to make a difference!
Fancy1959 What a lovely photo! You and Sandy Rose are sure to partner well. Happy trails to the two of you.
I'm so happy for the two of you, Fancy1959 ! Let us know how you both carry on together.
Love it! I remember when Mitt Romney ran for president and his wife used Hippo Therapy for her MS exercise. I have seriously considered it, since we live close to a riding stable. Keep us posted.
Great picture. Let us know how things go, with her, in the future.
Rose looks dependable, enjoy, but please remember to have your phone with you if you venture out alone. I have to admit I am jealous, I would love to be able to gallop bareback out in the country again. Thanks for sharing, blessings Jimeka
jimeka, you can not see it but underneath the orange fleece jacket is a cross shoulder bag that I keep my phone in. I usually put it under something like this jacket or coat because I always am worried about hooking it on the saddle horn and causing me to go from getting tossed to being drugged and trampled by the horse. That would not be a scenario with any possibility having any kind of good outcome. Yuck.....
She is gorgeous and I hope the bonding goes well. Nothing like it! I am jealous as well so send lots of updates so I can get my horse fix.
You both look great!

Great pic, how fortunate you both are to have found each other..
Fancy1959 you are blessed!!! I want to ride!!!
Fancy, I am so excited for you. Enjoy every minute. Stay safe okay. Love, Kelly
OH Fancy1959
So happy for you and Sandy Rose is beautiful! Looks like you have a chaperone guiding and guarding you there (the lil pup).
Ride in health and happiness 💕

What a beautiful creature that Sandy Rose is, Fancy1959 ! Good luck with your continuing hippotherapy!
- John, MSAA
That is SO COOL!!! I love it! U have to keep us updated on how it goes!! She looks awesome and u look so happy riding her!! 💜💜💜
I have never been around horses, but the smile on your face gives me a glimpse at what I have missed!
my wife just purchased a "black" Appy. she is named windy. what a beautiful girl.
Ride on over! Can she handle two of us? Great picture!
To the wonderful 21 friends who replied to my hippo therapy running amok I wanted to personally thank all of you; GasLight, goatgal, Tutu, SueAB, Morilyn, Jimeka, Karen-X, dmaskall, CalfeeChick, agapepilgrim, Amore 55, Erash, JohnMSAA, Midgey_Midge,bravery207, Josephferroni, and greaterexp. Your support, caring and well wishes make me realize how lucky I am to consider this wonderful group of people my friends.
To those I did not reply directly to I wanted to let you know that Rose did much better today than Saturday. 🐴 We still have issues to conquer but hopefully in the next month she will come to understand that I always win because I am the boss. I will make sure to update the progress that Rose and I make. I will try to let you know weekly and then if the interest wanes i will spread out the post farther apart. Thanks again and I wish each and everyone of you the joy I have found in renewing my love and involvement in a passion that I have indulged in for over 50 years. God willing i will be able to continue participating in and enjoying this passion of mine! 😆
That is a gorgeous picture!So glad you shared. I think of the song...give me land give me lots ...don't fence me in!We have a neighborhood horse....A horse put on rented land.Dont know the owner of the horse but do know the looks of landowner.Dusty is the horse.I feed if I feel good once a day and neighbors do too.so..he looks real good.Its amazing how horses can sense you and Dusty is 20 yrs old.how old is that in horse years?More horse stories pls!Thanks fancy!
I haven't been on for a bit, life too crazy but this makes me so very happy!Thanks for the share....WOW...
Awww that's a lovely picture xx Fancy1959