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greaterexp profile image
36 Replies

I receive a daily email from Joni Eareckson Tada with a Scripture reference and very brief, but meaningful thoughts. Though she doesn't have MS, there are numerous ways in which I can relate with her. Following a spinal injury while very young, she has spent many years in a wheelchair and suffers severe pain with her disability. Her ability to encourage, while never glossing over the tough things, is very inspiring to me. You may also find some comfort from these messages, too.

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greaterexp profile image
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36 Replies
WAshingtongirl profile image

She is an inspiration, greaterexp . Wasn't she only 17 or so when she had her diving accident? Her painting, speaking seminars and books. I remember watching or seeing her wedding (pic) years ago. I read one of her books on heaven--I believe while I was either going through the diagnosis process or soon afterward. I'll have to check on her daily devotions. My fav is Oswald Chambers. Read numerous others, but keep coming back to him. Thanks for mentioning Joni.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to WAshingtongirl

WAshingtongirl by the way, I have a print of her painting of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Not only is the subject matter inspirational, when I think she made every mark on that painting holding a paintbrush in her teeth, I have a deeper understanding of patience and following through with a vision. I, also, enjoying, Oswald Chambers. A friend of mine gave me "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young, and it was very inspirational, a daily read for a year. I recently bought "Jesus Always", her latest daily devotion book on JOY, just started it January 1st. Also, a friend told me about this great audio site that I downloaded to my phone. My eyes bother me from time to time, and everything is blurry, so this audio site is a daily devotional, 30 minutes, a read from OT, a read from NT, and a application for daily living. I listen on my phone, and sometimes happily fall asleep. Oh, if interested, the app on my phone says DAB (daily audio bible). Great when you just beyond reading.

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

I've tried Sarah Young's devo twice. Just couldn't get into it. But I know many who love it! I even bought one for my daughter-in-law. It is a very popular one.

Thanks for the audio app info agapepilgrim . I will check that out! 💕Dawn

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to WAshingtongirl

@Tutu Max Lucado has a book on Fear I just bought. Good timing for me since the diagnosis and the fear of the unknown Monster. Its so ironic someone decided to call MS the monster, and fibromyalgia is called the Beast, cause now I have the Beast and the Monster on my trail every day. But, that's okay. Because I have 10,000 angels fighting for me, and all the Armor of God around my soul, and I will be victorious in Heaven someday! I receive monthly or weekly (can't remember) e-mail devotionals from "Devotionals Daily" which are really good, and they are from various writers. What I really like re the discounted books they sale. I bought the book on Fear (which is really a book on Faith ) by Max Lucado for only $5, so, also, the Jesus Always. I keep a book in each room, so I can pick one up wherever my body happens to fall at any given time!! Even one in each bathroom (for my guests, also, which I don;t seem to have as many anymore, I think they think MS is contagious, lol). Anway, I really need to go listen to the audio devotion for the day, and pray it puts me to sleep. Good night!

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

Max Lucado is my sister-in-law's all-time favorite author! I believe she gets his online debotionals plus another with various authors. I can't remember the name of it. I've tried them. Very good. But they don't challenge me like My Utmost for His Highest. I guess God gave us all these devos because we all need something else. We're the same, but different. 😉

The beast and the monster. Now that is a lot to handle agapepilgrim . I'm sorry. But as you said, you don't fight that battle alone! 😇

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to WAshingtongirl

WAshingtongirl Doesnt the term "my utmost for his highest" just sum up the essence of Christianity?? such depth in those 5 words when I meditate upon them all else seems miniscule.

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

It does agapepilgrim . It's a daily challenge and decision for me.

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280 in reply to agapepilgrim

agapepilgrim pilgrim

I also use the Jesus Calling daily devotional by Sarah Young. It it a wonderful tool that helps me tremendously.


jimeka profile image

As Tutu say she is an inspiration for us all, thank you for sharing, blessings Jimeka🌈

agapepilgrim profile image

greaterexp I would like to receive that. I have followed her life since the day she had that dreadful accident. I will never forget "The Other Side of the Mountain" movie based on her life. Was privileged to hear her speak in person at a Women of Faith Convention years ago in Tampa, FL. Thank you for that info. This site is a never ending well of encouragement, and I pray I can add to those words of encouragement. I suppose it is the 2 days of continual rain, but the pain at the base of my skull is off the charts tonight, Usually the daily 100 mg of topamax keeps it at bay, but the hounds are winning tonight and I would like to have a shotgun, But, tsk! tsk! Hey, writing. gave me grand idea, Well, then, (was that Bily bob Thornton) ?? was that an affirmative answer? Thei where did the BTU go? Yep, rambled right out with the craziers, The crazies, a label, wiil that is aceptable., But, oo\sdsdff

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

Hope you're feeling better, agapepilgrim . Sounds pretty painful

I really enjoyed the WOF conferences I attended. My favorite was Lucy Swindoll (think that's her name!). She had me in stitches. She was so funny! Sheila Walsh's talk on depression was good and I remember Barbara Johnson too.

Haven't attended one in years. Not sure I could make it all the way through the drive, parking, conference, then drive back home.

Mu husband surprised me with tickets to see Casting Crowns, my fav Christian group, 2 years ago. So sweet of him! But I hadn't been to a concert in years (Michael W Smith, I think) and everyone stood throughout the whole concert! I can't do that anymore. 😉 Nice time and great music. Sidewalks prophets were there too. From now on, I'm content enjoying it all from the comfort of my own home. Gee...maybe I'm getting old! 😬

Praying you feel better by now. 💕

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280 in reply to WAshingtongirl


I love casting crowns!!!

agapepilgrim profile image

@Tutu yes, blessed sleep let the pain slip away but it was a day in bed today because severe pain exhausts my body. I remember Lucy Swindoll, thinking what an inspiration she must be to her husband. I was so happy to see wives of "famous" Christian male authors and speakers be given their opportunity to witness and let their light shine. I believe Gloria Gaither was there, also. I got to hear someone sing "Victory in Jesus" and tell her story of healing and it was sooo awesome I bought her CD, and it still encourages me, because her story made the battle so real, and so victorious. Forgot her name, and CD on laptop and MP3 player, so don't know where it is (lol). I wouldn't begin to be able to attend a concert like that again either!! I cannot sit over 10 minutes without neck support, and the walk, and climbing the stairs! I suppose a group of use could get wheelchairs, (mine would need an exteneded back) and they could rope off a section with a banner - the MS Warriors for Christ - and we could roll in with orange myelin ribbons singing victory in Jesus! I love to watch my favorite groups on You Tube playlists (which my grandson taught me exist); put my earphones on and get lost in heavenly places! May the peace of Jesus be with you!

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to agapepilgrim

I believe Lucy Swindol was never married, and that Charles is her brother. She was so wonderful at the WOF conferences I've been to.

I'm not much of an Amy Grant fan, but got to see her with MWSmith in Portland in December. I was afraid it would be too much, but I made it and was glad I went. Anything uplifting is so helpful. I so appreciate those lovely things that distract me from symptoms and give a feeling of joy.

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to greaterexp

Anyone remember the Twila Paris song "The Joy of the Lord is My Strength"? And another: "God is in Control." I'm really dating myself here. 😁

As for Amy Grant, I believe I still have some of her first songs, greaterexp . 😉

Yes, uplifting is always good. (Philippians 4:3-8)

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to WAshingtongirl

It's my age, too!

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

Love the image of a banner stretched across a group of us saying "MS Warriors for Christ" agapepilgrim .

agapepilgrim profile image

greaterexp thanks, it was over 20 years ago for me, so I forgot a lot. I do remember it was an awesome experience and a highlight in my life. Was amazed there was so many women in attendance, so validating, so empowering, so uplifting! My husband attended a few of that men's group going around the same time, and that was encouraging, also. I volunteered at one of those, and got to work in the office, and hear the speakers and singing. That was a highlight, also. When Frank was retired from Peabody Coal Co after 30 years (Illinois mines were closed), we sold our home, bought a motor home, and traveled the 48 states for 6 years. At one time, we crossed over into Toronto, and attended a big revival up there, and that was a big uplifting experience! We attended a lot of "revivals" during those years, and it was wonderful. My health began to fail, my husband had a stroke, our daughter had Crohn's and serious marital abusive problems, so we had to stop. But, what a wonderful 6 years!!!

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to agapepilgrim

Agapepilgrim, what wonderful experiences! I'm sorry for the many sorrows you've had, but I am sure you feel God's presence with you through it all. The hard times make the sweet times even sweeter.

I always pray during tough times that if God is teaching me something, to please make me a quick learner!

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to greaterexp


agapepilgrim profile image

greaterexp yes, I have felt God's Presence through it all. And that is one of my favorite all time songs. "Through it All" Every word I can sing, I can experience, I can feel it." I once heard a version of that song with Corrie tenBoom giving her experiences while the song played in the background and it was so real, so touching. Someone set up a facebook page for her followers, and there are so many good quotes of hers on there, I love to go there and read them all. I have her books, also. Such an awesome Christian lady! Along with Hannah Hurnard. And then there's Andrew Murray. I watched the Miracle Worker for about the 10th time the other day. So many lessons to be learned from that movie. Just the desire to keep going, keep learning ways to overcome our difficulties, God will be there with us.

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

Hannah Hurnard's "Hind's Feet on High Places" was recommended to me in my early struggle with MS. That is one of the few books I will keep forever. Really touched me where and when I needed it.

I am currently 'reading' (I use that term loosely as reading is such a struggle for me again) a book titled "Present Not Perfect." I started it months ago and am maybe half-way through. It's not a new concept (I guess along the lines of being a Mary and not a Martha...but hey, what would get done without us Marthas? 😉), but it's a different approach. Not too meaty, but that's probably good because I can pick up where I left off weeks ago, and it doesn't matter. I almost didn't continue reading it after the first chapter or so. She referenced (praised) an author I disagree with, but...most of what she says in there is good. So I read on when I can.

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to WAshingtongirl

I read Hind's Feet many years ago, but don't remember much except that it was an allegory akin to Pilgrim's Progress. I think I gave it away. I'm so glad there are so many good authors that reach so many different people, since everyone responds differently. I'm glad The Oswald Chambers book was mentioned, as it reminded me to pick it up again.

We are going to try to sell our little farm in the spring, but I'm so glad my husband agreed that we can downsize everything but the books!

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to greaterexp

Yes, it is an allegory greaterexp .

I hope the sale of the farm lightens your load, Erin. We simplified things 3 years ago. Good move for us. 💕Dawn

WAshingtongirl profile image

Joni's devo this morning hit the spot, didn't it? Thanks greaterexp .

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to WAshingtongirl

I was just about to post here about that! Yes, that one is a keeper!

agapepilgrim profile image

greaterexp WAshingtongirl I buy paperback books so they don't take up much space, but I keep those books that bring me encouragement, like Hannah Hurnards books, and Oswald Chambers, and Andrew Murray, and Charles Swindoll, and Joni Earckinson, and Sarah Young. Today's devotion from Jesus Always speaks of remember that my problems are only temporary but the joy of Jesus is eternal, and the joy of the Lord is our strength (one of my favorite scriptures). I will delight in His unfailing love for me, then my strength will increase. When I dwell on what MS has taken away from me, I become angry and depressed, and want to stay in bed 24/7. Only the joy of Jesus inspires me to find laughter and humor in my foot fighting the air and my left foot doing a quick jig to keep me upright, And who was it who wrote the "Happy Christian" and E. M. Bounds and all his books on prayer. Take my extra clothes, furniture, dishes, but don't take my Bible and books. They got me through PTSd, firbromyalgia, COPD, family abuse, so what's a thing called MS?? Nothing can separate us from the love of God!!!

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to agapepilgrim

Yes! I know there are many here who cannot relate. I'm so grateful for every person who shares of themselves here, but I didn't count on having other believers with MS.

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

I'm late reading this, agapepilgrim . I used to have a library filled with books like those you listed. I led our women's ministry, taught (wrote) Bible studies, etc. MS has affected my reading and ability to study/retain off and on for over 15yrs. now. I no longer lead, or teach. The frustration isn't worth it. And I have yet to get over my embarrassment of not being able to retain or remember, so my pride keeps me from attending Bible study-that and my fatigue.

I love what Rev 1:3 says. It reminds me that even though I can't delve into the Word like I used to, just reading it is a blessing . As are the passages I've committed to heart. I'm happy I read all those books when I was able to. I'm happy you still can @agapepilgrim.

But these days it's music-praise songs- that carry me through my day and varied emotions. God can reach us in many different ways!

Some days it's knowing He loves me and is right there with me that gets me through.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to WAshingtongirl

WAshingtongirl I am very discouraged over not being able to read my inspirational books anymore. I may have said I was "reading" one now, but I think I am on Jan 6th of my devotional book. My eyes become so blurring, and when I type on my laptop for very long, I mean read mostly, I get headaches. So don't be happy I still can! I have a stack of new books on bedside table I have not read. I have an appt with new opthamologist tomorrow to see if he can help me. Probably want to put me in tri-focals, but he will not understand that after awhile nothing helps. And reading was my forte against depression. I, too, get embarrassed over not getting the right word out, nor remembering the right scripture, I just don't get involved in the conversation anymore because I know I will start stuttering, or a long silence trying to remember a word, so I am becoming less social. And my friends used to say, "Judi is on her soap box again!" Not any more. Like you, songs are my life line in these days of confusion. "Music hath power to sooth the savage beast." In my life, music hath power to sooth my MS brain and bring in the Peace that passes understanding! May you feel that peace today and always!

WAshingtongirl profile image
WAshingtongirl in reply to agapepilgrim

Ah, agapepilgrim , how I can relate! I am truly sorry you struggle reading, retaining, or relating in a group with others too. It will be wonderful if your new ophthalmologist can come up with a prescription to help you read and prevent the headaches. I will pray your doc is able to remedy that. I have trifocals. Went in for my first pair of prescription reading glasses on my 50th birthday and walked out with trifocals! 🤓 Happy birthday to me! I felt I'd aged overnight. Now if they can come up with a prescription that will help my brain digest and then regurgitate what my eyes see, that would be a miracle. 😉 But like you, music soothes and inspires me. My mind may not remember all the lyrics, but my soul never forgets the message or the notes. Just don't ask me to song it! 😊 Sending you a big hug. 💓

greaterexp She is amazing. I use my adopted son as inspiration. he has cerebral palsy. Uses a walker and has abandoned by 2 families and the last one before he ages of of the foster system only had him for the money. Now he lives in a group home. we can not take care of him, but he "has his family" as he puts it, or "his people" anyway. I get a text every morning from him encouraging me! Also several phone calls a day and other texts checking on me. An amazing young man just like she is an amazing woman!

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to

He must be such a blessing to you, and I suspect he is to anyone who meets him!

in reply to greaterexp

indeed he is. Such a blessing!

agapepilgrim profile image

Bettyolm you wanted feedback on Acupuncture. I have had 2 sessions now, and I believe it is helping me. After the first session, I cried off and on all evening, but I think it was releasing a lot of pent up anger. The second session, I slept for almost 24 hours (I have insomnia), and felt great the next day (mostly). I have severe next problems, and that session really loosened my neck, and for the first time in forever the pain in my right shoulder went away.. Pain moved to my left side of neck (therapist said this is where it should be, not right side), so I believe it is making a lot of improvement in getting my nerves communicating properly. Going again on the 7th. My insurance pays for 20 visits a year, and I will be using all of them. She also is teaching me stretches to do every day.

Jesmcd2 profile image

Keep me updated on this, OK agapepilgrim l find it really interesting. Especially the part about the pain being on the wrong side of the neck? Did they say why? And did they tell you about the crying and sleeping?


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