This is Willow at 2 1/2 yrs old wearing her trademark Swissy Grin.
Here is a picture of my Service Dog - My MSAA Community
Here is a picture of my Service Dog

She is so beautifully marked, you can see her good nature in her eyes you are truly blessed, enjoy Jimeka
She's beautiful!! What a blessing to have her in your life.
We are getting a service dog for my youngest daughter for her OCD/GAD/tic disorder and ironically this is the first psychological dog that she's trained. She primarily trains balance dogs for MS and Parkinson's.
cheshcat what breed?
She breeds Collies, like the old time lassies. Right now all her service dogs are rough collies (furry and long hair) but she said she's trying to breed the smooth collies (short hair) because of all the work to upkeep the hair. She said the rough collies have a better temperament for service work though. We are getting a rough collie.
I've visited, they are very sweet dogs, she had 2 dogs that were finishing up their training now, one going to an MS woman and one to a Parkinson's man. She had a lot of other dogs there though, she said they don't go into their service training until around 18 months old and they are usually finished by around 2 1/2 years old, depending on the dog.
Cheshcat, is it your daughter who trains the Service dogs? And she's getting a dog for OCD, etc.? As you can tell, I'm comfused! My favorite dog was my Collie/Shepherd mix, Lady was her name. She lived up to her name as well. She was the best friend a 12-year-old could have. Hugs, Bea
How lucky your daughter is to know what she is doing. She won't have to pay a fortune for training. I am sure her dog will be wonderful for her!
We are very lucky!! We are trading for her dog. The trainer needed something from my husband and couldn't afford it, so it is beneficial to us all! We are getting an older dog that use to be a breeding dog for her.
My daughter has been housebound before due to her OCD and this will really benefit me as kids with OCD generally intermingle a parent in their OCD (usually the mother) - and we are going to be transitioning her to go to her dog instead of me. Lowering my stress levels. It's hard sometimes to be around someone with such a high degree of anxiety. I homeschool her because she wasn't able to go to school. She was a housebound student last year (the district sent someone to the house) but I cut the cord this year with the district, they were lovely to us but it's much easier to just be in charge of it myself.
This trainer makes (or buys?) a harness the dogs wear for the balance work with MS patients. Did you want me to ask her where to buy one? Or do you already have one? It's built into their harness and is a raised bar, so you can grab onto it as the dog guides you up curbs and stairs. She has videos she's posted of dogs going up and down stairs that might help you train your beautiful girl.
I would love the information. I have been waiting until she quits growing and I haven't decided which harness I will get her yet. The vet says she could easily continue to grow for another year. I sure hope not! She was the runt of the litter and is only 80 lbs. All of her brothers are 110 lbs + and her sisters are 90 lbs +.
A big girl 😊 I lost my St. Bernard this year. The sweetest most loving dog I've ever had! I miss her terribly.
I'll send you her links in a private message.
Cheshcat, guess I should have read ALL the posts! Didn't mean to sound so dense ~ I'll blame it on my MS ~ yup, that works!
How wonderful!
For years we rescued greyhounds. Our last one, Jonah, passed away 2 yrs ago. Not sure they make very good service dogs. Other than an occasional sprint, they're couch potatoes.

I love her grin Bygonelines lm so glad you have her

Ah! What an awesome dog & friend, Bygonelines ! She's a beaut.
Has everyone seen our latest cover story in The Motivator on Service Animals and the MS Community?
- John, MSAA
Gotta love that smile!