Anyone getting stomach problems or food allergies since getting MS? Been diagnosed since 2000 and now bananas trigger gastritis and I'm getting very sensitive to milk. Also getting tested for celiacs disease. Just wondering if developing allergies is common when you have autoimmune diseases. I also have hypothyroidism.
Stomach problems/food allergies - My MSAA Community
Stomach problems/food allergies

Hi Stacy. I haven't 'officially' been diagnosed yet, but I too have digestive issues. For the past 10 - 12 years I have suffered from food intolerance, and food sensitivities. I truly believe these were the first signs of MS for me. The doctors didn't know what was wrong with me, so eventually I took things into my own hands and started eliminating different foods from my diet. I eliminated all sugar, fruits, gluten, soy, dairy, and eventually became a vegetarian, and felt good most days. Then about four months ago, I started introducing some of these foods back into my diet, such as dairy, a few fruits, coconut sugar, and gluten, to name a few, but not meat. Then about 6 weeks ago my left leg and foot went numb, which led to MRI's of the brain and spinal area. The results showed lesions on my brain and thoracic. The numbness and tingling went away after about 5 weeks. However, this last week, I have noticed when I eat certain foods, that I feel a slight tingling in my limbs. So I am getting ready to eliminate the dairy, gluten, fruits and sugar again, because I believe there is a connection. It is my goal to control this beast with my diet. Also recently read The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book by Dr. Swank, and found it had some very helpful information about a low-fat diet for treatment of MS. Wishing you all the best.

Hi StacyHayward l have always had stomach problems so l cant blame MS on that one. But l do know my taste buds are changing big time since having MS. Or is that old age. Ugh. Pretty sure it's ms , I can't handle anything spicy or hot, or anything with to much pepper in it anymore it drives my guy nuts cause he loves to cook different things.
That is an interesting question. I was being treated for essential tremor when something changed in my body. I developed gastric ulcers, a frozen shoulder, and a worsening of my tremor all at once. In trying to find the cause for the increased tremor an MRI showed what later was dx as MS. So maybe there may be an MS/stomach connection.
My sister gave me a book by Dr. Terry Wahls advocating diet to help control MS. Actually she talks about 3 levels of her diet. The lowest level is to eliminate gluten and dairy and add lots of vegetables.
Hi Stacy
I've been dx since 200, and have had digestive issues 6 months in with green leafy veggies of all things since then. I was never the best at loving certain veggies but I did eat them and I do love my collard greens. Sad to say one day I ate a very large ceaser salad and 20 mins later my stomach felt like a paring knife was going through it. I thought maybe it was a bad salad and left it at that. A week later we had celebration at my grandparents house and grandpa made collards with a bunch of other things. I went for my collards first and figured I'd eat my meat after. 20 mins in the same thing happened.
Needless to say I saw a gastro and all they could tell me was nothing physically was wrong but my body would no longer tolerate green veggies and I had to modify eating them going forward or stay home if I did and pay the consequences. I am not allergic to them I did et tested. So it's just an unfortunate thing to live with.

Sometimes your body just starts to rejects things JeenaRae . I'm not a big veggie eater, but l love fruit. So figure it's a good trade off.
I'm having trouble with milk too, but I think that's very common as we get older. I'm not sure if there's any connection with MS. It will be interesting to read other comments about this.
I'm lactose intolerant and have IBS, but neither is the fault of MS. As long as I stick to a whole foods plant based vegan plus fish diet, everything is perfect. It's also the best plan for someone who has MS and high cholesterol/family history of heart disease. Several MD's have written books about it and they all essentially say the same thing; except Swank, Jelinek and McDougall had/have special interest and studies with all forms of MS.
I hope that you find something that makes your guts happy again!
Update: did get tested for celiacs disease and it was negative, which I'm grateful for. So far as long as I take lactaid type meds before dairy I'm doing better. Also my doc put me on a daily probiotic.