FINDINGS: The anatomic alignment is within normal limits other than a mild retrolisthesis of C5 on C6. There are no compression fractures. Endplate sclerosis seen C4-5. Anterior osteophyte formation seen C4 and C5. The neural foramina, spinous processes and odontoid unremarkable. No prevertebral soft tissue swelling.
1. Very mild retrolisthesis of C5 on C6.
2. Minimal degenerative changes.
The above xray report is from a year ago. My Pt suggested I get an xray because upon palpitation of my neck I experienced tenderness and my arms get pins and needles when I stretch them behind my back. The new symptom is I now and getting prickly feelings in my fingers. I posted here before but can't find my post. I had my l5 S1 fused in February 2022 and am still not fully recovered from that, maybe it is something to do with that. I am due to get new back xray and follow up with the surgeon in February .