New to Myelopathy but not pain - Cervical Myelopathy

Cervical Myelopathy

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New to Myelopathy but not pain

2 Replies

My spine story starts at age 11 and Im currently 41. Name the condition, my lumbar has it. Degenerative disc, herniation, Shmorls nodes, scoliosis, sciatic, myofascial pain, etc. After YEARS of Drs, meds, procedures and PAIN, i took myself off all prescription meds, started using cannabis only, made some lifestyle changes like no red meat and finally quitting cigs. The result was I got my life back and my pain finally left me alone.

Until Nov of last year. I remember the first time I felt the shoulder/arm/chest pain. I thought it was anxiety. The ache continued and it was severe, keeping me up at night and affecting my ability to do my job (manager at a pot club for patients) The next symptom was a thumb twitch. All of this on my right side, the side that seems to break down the most. The ache turned into numbness and I could not feel my pinky or ring finger or an entire portion of my right arm (even got a nasty burn as a result of numbness). So after a few months I went to see my PCP. Since my main complaint was my right arm, he sent me for xrays on that. Nothing. Sent me for nerve testing on my arm, the diagnosis is its my spine. MRI on my cervical, Xray on my cervical. Referral to neurologist who informs me i have Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy w Radiculopathy (fancy words for arthritis of the neck causing compression on my nerve roots and spinal cord) . That i was born with a narrow space in my neck, making the compression more painful. That my C7-T1 shows a piece of disc with build up, directly affecting the use of my right hand. That my c3-c4 is a bulge w no compression and my c-5/t-1 have bulges AND cord compression. He says Im in the beginning stages of a spine disease, but hey its not lung cancer (his exact words) He says I will have to have surgury, ACDF thru the front of my neck, remove three discs and replace with a metal plate and screws.

That was Nov when the pain symptoms started. My diagnosis was in Feb. I feel lost, confused, frustrated yet hopeful. Why did this happen. How did it happen and how can I heal myself like I did before?

So I begin holistically healing in all ways possible. Still no prescription pills but I lather my neck with a thc/cbd topical daily. I started weekly acupuncture and theyve begun me on a regimen of Chinese herbs. Ive gotten massages. Ive done 8 sessions of physical therapy w an amazing PT who like me, believes this disease can be helped. I believe its my spine reacting to my environment and maybe that sounds crazy but prior to Nov I had NO SYMPTOMS. But prior to Nov i put my body thru too much..Doing too much for others and it resulted in pain. I was in a job where I was way over worked, and live in a home with disrupted peace due to an inconsiderate neighbor. So I quit my job. My body wasnt gonna allow me to return and it was time to move on. Not working is scary but I have to do whats best for me right now..

Today i have feeling back in my arm and hand. The ache doesnt keep me up at night but the pain is daily. It affects my throat which freaks me out. It affects my hands, and the ache feels like its gonna rip me apart at times. My right side of my neck feels like its being pulled and I cant be in cold weather, period. I feel it in my shoulderblades and the small of my back. I have very limited range of motion in my neck and it cracks & pops each time I move. Wind feels like death lol This condition likes warmth. My lumbar ache has returned but not nearly as bad as before. So this is my story. 41yo single mom in California who just wants to live and help others. I accept my spine is special and I will love it until I take my last breath. I do not want surgury and already had 3 years with metal in my body. Thats not a route I wish to revisit. The risk is high and the complications real. Not to mention there is no guarantee it will even work. My heart goes out to all of you. We can get thru this. Our bodies were meant to feel good. Not even Drs understand myelopathy so do what feels good to you. For you. And support each other because lets face it, you cant relate unless youre in the shit too. I've found two people who have what I have, thru instagram. This is not a common disease, which makes dealing a bit more difficult.

My brain fixates on the pain, the ache, the uncomfortable. I try all day long to refocus it on anything other than my condition. Its tiring, its pain that can't be seen and I still don't understand. I dont know my future, I just know I love myself and will not give up. They say this is progressive, incurable and lifelong. I say today, I have hope. I cant do this alone, and I hope I never have to. I have a young man to raise, I want to grow weed, I want to live a happy healthy existence. Im living with a bulge on every disc in my body, spinal cord compression, deterioration, degeneration, and nerve damage, but my story is still being written.

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2 Replies
KickassGoddess profile image

Thank u for sharing your story. I too have gotten so much relief from cannabis. Never thought to rub the oils on my neck though, will have to try. It's all a daily balancing between what I want to do and what I have to let go. Stepping back and self care are hard but learning to make it part of my daily practice. Sending light and positive vibes

in reply to KickassGoddess

You said it perfectly. Thank you. It truly is finding balance. Sending you all the love & relief. Have a wonderful day and ty so much for replying. Sharing helps!

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