After five years of potassium depletion and leg and shoulder pain my new Oncologist has just diagnosed me as having MM, and writes prescriptions for a Statin and one for high doses of Vitamin D for cholesterol when I am already on hydrochlorothiazide and I read that Vitamin D raises calcium levels in your blood when combined with that particular diuretic, and then I am given no recommendation or prescription for enzyme Q10, which I hear is recommended for taking with Statins, I tore up the prescription for the Statins until I can go in and talk with her again. I am wondering if perhaps I should go to an Oncologist that specializes in MM patients rather than go on more medications that will imbalance my system even more. Just some random thoughts from a newly, left hanging MM patient.
NEWLY DIAGNOSED WITH MM: After five... - Myeloma America S...
Absolutely see a MM specialist! The community oncologist is not versed in the myriad of new options and combinations available for MM patients. Work with someone who sees this condition daily and is best able to deal with the conditions that often accompany this disease. Would you see an oncologist who specializes in women's cancers? Yes, of course! Run don't walk and get the specialized help you need now and in the future!
Let me second the previous reply you received -- check with an MM specialist asap! I was diagnosed in Jan. 2012 by a general oncologist who suggested a treatment protocol. Before proceeding I consulted an MM specialist. He spelled out a second treatment protocol and sent me back to the first oncologist to provide treatment. I then returned to the MM specialist for my stem cell transplant and am currently in a clinical trial and doing well. MM treatment has been and continues to change dramatically and too quickly for someone who is not an expert to keep up. Best wishes!
Connecting with an MM specialist is definitely recommended. If you haven't checked already, here is a link to for questions to ask a MM specialist:
Keep us posted!
Connecting with an MM specialist is definitely recommended. If you haven't checked already, here is a link to for questions to ask a MM specialist:
Keep us posted!
Connecting with an MM specialist is definitely recommended. If you haven't checked already, here is a link to for questions to ask a MM specialist:
Keep us posted!