Why do I have, in my mid-seventies, facial skin problems eg spots on my nose, lesions and redness on my forehead, rough red patches above my upper lip, flaky and dry skin round my hairline? Thanks.
Nard1: Why do I have, in my mid-seventies, facial... - MY SKIN

Hi Leo343, I will be 70 this year and have had eczema all my life. Over the last 5 years my skin has become drier and so dermatologist advised I am using Dermol 500 for washing and showers, Doublebase bath additive rather than bubblebath and Doublebase gel as an emollient after bathing. These can be bought over the counter from pharmacies in the UK. I appreciate moisturising your skin after washing may not yet be in your thoughts, but recently I saw a man, who I reckoned was in his late 50's, moisturising his face after swimming.
Thanks so much. I will try your recommendations.
Just a thought, you might find these are not great for your skin, so other options are Diprobase (which doesn't suit me) and there is also a version of Doublebase called Doublebase Once, which says is 'proven to provide at least 24 hours hydration from 1 application'. You can also use Dermol as an emollient, it is antimicrobial so is good for tackling bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus which increase itchiness in the skin. Hope all this helps. If you are in the UK the National Eczema Society is a great source of support see eczema.org and they also have a helpline 08004480818