19 and female. For the past few months I’ve noticed this patches have recurred. Right now there’s more than there has ever been. When I first noticed them, all that google came up with was petechiae, so of course I freaked out and went to go get a blood test. Came back normal thankfully. A week later I went back again for another one because the patches did not fade, so now I’m just confused. Is this even petechiae then? It looks too small to be vasculitis. The closest resembling thing could be capillaritis. Thoughts?
What’s this stuff on my legs? Petechiae? Capillari... - MY SKIN
What’s this stuff on my legs? Petechiae? Capillaritis?

Best bet is see if your GP will refer you for a dermatology appt. Send in the photo as well. Good luck with getting a proper diagnosis as it can be tricky.
Same here. At first they thought it was Petechiae. Blood work was normal. Went to hematologist and everything there is normal. They think it’s tiny cherry angiomas though. Went to an allergist but everything is ok on that end as well. I keep getting more of them and no one can figure out why. They started around august. I have an appt with a rheumatologist at the end of february to see if it is autoimmune related. My concern is that I get more of them by the day and they are spreading down my arms and legs. Have you taken any aspirin? That can cause some breaks in the capillaries.
I have these too. Dermatologist and GP didn’t seem concerned even though I have tons down my arms and on myBody. Husband has a few too. Doesn’t make any sense.