Hi! I have struggled with my skin for a few years now and it seems to be getting worse. I felt so ashamed about it, didn't tell anyone to this day. I decided to go to a dermatologist when I'll be able to (seeing that now it's not really possible).
I researched a lot on my own and found the most probable thing to be keratosis pilaris, even though I really wish it isn't as there are no treatments for it (as read on the internet). Anyways, this has really increased my depression and anxiety and makes me feel so self disgusted. Lately though I started to try and love myself and my skin more and accept myself as I am, but still trying to improve the aspect of my skin. I moisturize my skin daily, twice a day, in the morning after shower and in the evening after shower.
Do you have any suggestion for improving keratosis pilaris affected skin?