for years I have had this acne,red, dry itchiness on my upper back and neck which when really hot it feels oil and horrible. I went to the doctors and they gave me this tub of cream that had paraffin in which they wanted me to use as a shower gel thing which I need it just made it more itchy and more flaky, what can I do and what is this condition, it also affects my neck and chest at the front.
ive had these problems for awhile an advice? - MY SKIN
ive had these problems for awhile an advice?
Hiya. Mmm, are you sure it's acne? Sounds like GP gave you an emollient which is basically a moisturiser. By sounds of it if it is acne you'll probably need DUAC medication to apply to effected areas. But I'm not convinced by your description and areas that it covers that it is acne. You may need short term help with a steroid ointment (is not as scary as it sounds) to help clear this up. If GP was giving you emollient to try to treat its more likely to be down the line of dermatitis or eczema. Go back to your GP and ask them to either try something else or refer you to the dermatologist for further investigation. Are you doing anything with chemicals? My eczema flared up when I was a hairdresser and I had to give it up. Fumes from working on clients hair etc. I never had eczema on chest, face, neck & back before I worked in hairdressers so it could possibly be something like that which is triggering it off. Good luck 🤞
I have hydrocortisone cream for my eyelids but it’s a tiny tube and wouldn’t cover it all.
Hydrocortisone is a very mild steroid. Although it may be enough to calm it all down if applied 2/3 times a day. Go back to GP and see if they will provide a bigger tube or something similar to help you.