I have huge battles with her because she refuses to shower or bath because she says the water makes her eczema sting like mad. Also, can you cover large patches of eczema in bandages or similar (after you've applied the prescribed creams) because i cant find school trousers to fit her in any other material than polyester and i think they make the eczema on her legs/hips ect worse .thanks for your help : )
What can i add to the bathwater for my 12 year old... - MY SKIN
What can i add to the bathwater for my 12 year old daughter who has large, angry looking patches of eczema all over her body?

Have you tried adding apple cider vinegar to a cool tub - 1 cup? Add apple cider vinegar (ACV) a spray bottle and let her try spraying it on when she itches. If it works, maybe the bath will be OK.
Add 1-3 tsp ACV to water, juice or whatever drink and drink daily. If taste is not ok, try mixing 1 tsp ACV and 1 tsp honey, then add to a drink.
There is a possible link between selenium and psoriasis. Check with doctor about how much to supplement and try it - orally.
Topically, tea tree oil may help. Try the oil undiluted, or try from amazon the tea tree oil and E cream.
I run a support group for people with chronic illness. My mother had psoriasis.
Hi I hve doublebase bath additive which is milky and calming, have not too hot bath and not too cold (like goldilocks), might be worth a try. I hve covered small patches of eczema especially if they have been cracked/weepy and it has stopped further irritation. Only prob is some sticky stuff like on micropore tape and some elastoplasts also irritates my skin, but plain cotton bandages should be OK. My total sympathy for you and your daughter - its a difficult age to feel 'different' from your peers especially if you are on your way to high school for first time.
Hello there, sorry to hear you daughter is suffering, I can fully sympathise. Have you tried Oilatum bath emollient? The doctor should prescribe it but you can also buy it over the counter at Boots, Lloyds or most chemists. Oilatum also make a soap. Simple soap is good aswell. Don't have the water too hot and after bathing, just pat the skin, don't rub too hard. While the skin is still slightly damp, use a good moisturiser like E45 or whatever suits her skin. If it's possible just top up the moisturiser through the day. I know it's difficult if she is at school but as soon as she comes home she can put more cream on in the evening.
I have heard that oatmeal is good for eczema, so I Googled is and found the following chat on Mumsnet, which might be helpful for you.
It also mentions Diprobase, which my Dermatologist prescribed for me because my skin is so dry. I can recommend it!
Regarding the oats, you put a handful in some old tights and put it into the bath with your daughter. I believe it is very effective. Good luck
Our doctor who is very keen on "natural" remedies had us put 6-12 drops of tea tree oil and 6-12 drops of lavendar oil in every bath - tea tree stopped his excema becoming inflamed and the lavendar oil calmed his skin.. this worked for our toddler. Also we were on Aqueous cream but that caused him discomfort but a change to Diprobase did the trick.
hope this helps.
Try oilatum is liquid paraffin which you add to the bath. It says it's specially made for eczema and itchy skin conditions
Here's the link to their website, it really helps my eczema oilatum.co.uk
Hi my daughter had terrible eczema when she was younger. I took her to a dietitian referred by my doctor through the NHS. Things did improve slightly as time went by. But my daughter also suffered with constant tummy ache. In the end I went privately to a trusted food intolerance testing lady, and we found out that my daughter has an intolerance to dairy ( not wheat as was previously suggested). She was also still suffering from mild eczema, which having been on a dairy free diet (most of the time) has completely cleared up! Sometimes I think it's worth looking at possible triggers from the inside, rather than treating on the outside. My daughter is a completely different child now, she's much more confident and outgoing. Loads of friends and family have commented on the difference in her. Hope this helps. Don't know where you are in the country, but I know of an excellent food intolerance testing lady in Kent, and another in Cumbria, if you want there detail just message back.
Hiya CourageousCar, I am the Mom of a 27 year old son, he has suffered with eczema all his life, tried endless remedies, potions, bath oils, seaweeds...you name it we've tried it. Seen endless dermatology consultants...they all prescribe the same ointments and emollients and drugs that never work. I have found someone called "Wilding" on YouTube that has suffered with eczema all his life and through his own research has discovered the only way to heal eczema is through diet. Just take a look at some of his videos and you can even email him...he's always responded to me with help and advice. My son is currently starting his third week of the diet and also battling with steroid withdrawal/red skin syndrome.
I hope this small snippet of information will help your daughter, you may find that the diet will help and also if you are using steroid creams then try and get some advise from the "ITSAN" website on the best way to stop the use of them, they have caused a massive problem now for my son to overcome.
This is one fight that we are going to win!