Here we go again.....
Help! I have to go to work tomorrow 😩 😫 - My OCD Community
Help! I have to go to work tomorrow 😩 😫
Hi what's making you fear going to work.
Berries88, you’ll be fine. What do you mean by gross things?
Thanks, I need this.
Hello, you've got this! If you're there every business day and nothing very bad happened, it means it's very likely that it won't happen in the future too.
Why not examining all your options as objectively as possible?
You could give up your job, go on social assistance, and try to live alone in a totally sterile environment, which is nearly impossible to achieve because microorganisms are everywhere. Would you be satisfied with that situation?
Or you could try to function as normally as possible in the world as it is. That would take some efforts because of your present anxiety. There is no perfect solution. Which one would you choose? Once you make a choice after serious deliberation, don't hesitate, embrace it fully. Don't expect immediate results. Go for the long haul.
The worst is to keep wavering between those two options. If you do, you'll feel compelled, in order to solve your dilemma, to seek absolute certainties that are impossible to find (OCD). This is a very unpleasant situation, to say the least. Have you heard of the tortures of Tantalus? His punishment was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any.