Barney.'.s reccent menu has included......Fish cake pinched off the plate while the carers was passing the plate to Den .....
shopping list carefully drawn up by the carerrs.....
Drs pen........
2 sausages......
Nurses stetthhoscope ....and terrifyingly,.........
A wrapped chunky kitkat........
His piece de resistance was to steal half of the shepherd's pie off my plate and I'd spent2/1-2 hours preppingg ii that afternoon. As I'm now on thiss
Easy chew diet tthe hospital was very strict about it and iwas eating virtually nothing . Oh didn't i say I'd been in again?? (I know I know but they miss me)
They'll all remember me from this visit.. I was moved to 2 different wards and 5 different rooms and they lost one of mmy bags. In the end I was screaming at the top of my voice and sobbing hysterically all at 2.00 am. Lovely jubbly¡!!!
I hope you're all as OK as possible annd enjoying thiis lovely weather..
Keep smiling I'm sure it infurriiiates the BEAST