You're possibly aware that my husband is now bed-bound with Faithfull hound Barney 🐕🦺 stretched out across his legs in case he tries to escape again to wherever his mum has been for the last 10 days.Because he eats his meals in bed we got one of those trays with legs so that the carers can load up the tray and deliver his meals to him a la Downton Abbey. Barney is then encouraged with a large chew to vacate the bedroom. Works reasonably well...
.most of the time,------- you're getting ahead of me on this aren't you!
Well Den decided to break out 1 of our T- bone steak from ,,,Christmas and have steak n chips and Barney (who had been brought up to share with his doggy pals) naturally assumed [not unnaturally I believe] that Den would be polite and share his steak n chips with him.
Picture the scene, the poor bedridden figure sitting expectantly in bed, knife and fork aloft with the cute black doggy looking up at the immense height of a profiling bed with the sides up, several times his heights. Deciding that faint heart never won fair lady or some such rubbish, he took a huge leap onto the bed , grabbed the steak and was away on his little furry feet,!!! I would love to have seen Den's face. He enjoyed the chips tho and rumour has it Barney enjoyed the steak and me, well I was delighted with my yoghurt.
Night 🌙 all sleep tight and God bless