He finds it quite a nuisance and discomfort. It happens whether he is awake or asleep. Is this treated with meds or just something else to put up with?
Hubby with MSA-C has started to have ... - Multiple System A...
Hubby with MSA-C has started to have head tremors. Any suggestions?

Sorry to hear that, L tilts her head to the side but no tremors, her one leg tremors at times though.
May be a good question for someone at the MSA Trust, fingers crossed for you.
A consultant some time ago said to L " What cannot be cured must be endured" and we do accept these days that not everything can be sorted.
Hi, so sorry to hear this. It must be so frustrating. Dad had the same as Derek described. His head tilted to one side and it was more comfortable for him if we made sure it was supported, but he didn't have tremors. I hope your husband gets some relief from this. I think it would be worth contacting the specialist MSA nurse for your area through the MSA trust.
With very best wishes
Helen x
Hello Sunshine
How wonderful to live in Canada, are you able to enjoy the wonderful colours of the Fall?
I know this is a bit of a wild card but to cut a very long story short, my wife Jackie earlier this year tried to reduce some of the medication that she was taking.
After a few weeks she developed a marked tremor (not in her head however) which initially we thought was just a further progression of the condition. With a great deal of luck the doctor at the hospice where she attends for a clinic suggested it might be the that she had come off procyclidine (initially given to her to control nausea). Apparently he was aware that this drug was given to Parkinson patients with severe tremor.
Jax went back on to procyclidine and within two days the tremor had virtually disappeared. I know it's a long shot but you could ask your specialist for his/her view. Let us all know if it works (fingers crossed)!
Good luck, take care, Ian
Thank you Ian for the suggestion. I will talk to our Doctor about procyclidine for his tremors.
And yes the fall colours were spectacular this year! We celebrated our daughter's wedding in October and she had a gorgeous backdrop of gold and red leaves for her outdoor pictures! Happy moments and beautiful memories!
Make it a good day!
Head tremor was 1st symptom I had and subsequently became upper trunk internal tremor as well. It was first diagnosed as essential tremor and then dystonia but now told neither are causing it. A tremor can arise from the cerebellum called titubation tremor.
Action, kinetic, and titubation or stance tremors are usually regarded as being of cerebellar origin if other signs of cerebellar dysfunction are also present. According to the consensus statement of the Movement Disorder Society on tremor, cerebellar tremors can be diagnosed according to the following clinical signs: (1) pure or dominant intention tremor, either unilateral or bilateral; (2) tremor frequency usually less than 5 Hz; and (3) postural tremor present without rest tremor.
From Springer Link link.springer.com/chapter/1...
Hope this helps answer your question.

Wow! thanks for your info, rideabike!
My husband does have MSA-C, so I guess that's what causes the tremors.
I'm just learning about all this too.