I was diagnosed with PV (high RBC and platelet counts) back in 2020. I have the JAK2 V617F mutation. My father, in his late 80s now, has been having phlebotomies for the last 20 years for isolated erythrocytosis. He had a JAK2 test done around the time the JAK2 test became available, but it came back negative at the time. As a result, he never had a diagnosis of PV and his threshold for needing a phlebotomy has always been set at a hematocrit of 0.50 or higher. For a number of years now, he's had to have a phlebotomy every 2 months.
We finally had him tested again and it turns out that he has an uncommon JAK2 L611S/V617L double mutation. The VAF for each is 15%.
An article about this double mutation can be found here:
My father has elected to continue with phlebotomies using the same threshold. Trying to get down to a hematocrit of 0.45 or lower would be challenging at this point. He also takes an anticoagulant.
Two other members of my father's extended family also had an MPN, so it's helpful to have his own diagnosis finally confirmed for family medical history purposes.