I posted some weeks ago asking for suggestions about increased itching,and you were all so helpful,and I have tried a lot of your ideas, but having just had some blood results come back its showing my haemoglobin is too high,and so it has been suggested that I change from peginterferon which I have been on for about 5 years to ruxolitinib and also hopefully to reduce my high jack 2 number.i wonder if any of you have done the same,and how it has affected you.
Pruritis : I posted some weeks ago asking for... - MPN Voice

I have not had reason to switch from Besremi to Jakafi; however, if I was experiencing unremitting pruritis I would certainly try the switch to a medication known for its efficacy for this symptom. .The good news is that there is some recent evidence that Jakafi may also reduce JAK2 allele burden.
Wishing you all the best.
thankyou thats heartening news, we dont seem to know why the heamoglobin was so high,my bloods have always been kept within the limits before., on peginterferon.
The recent elevation in HGB could be any of a number of things. It is hard to say what the cause is without more information. Your MPN Specialist would be the best resource for that question. If a change in your response to PEG is the issue, then that is all the more reason to try Jakafi.
All the best.
hi Caroline my agonising itch was gone in a week with rux - you will see a result very soon, good luck

Hi Caroline
I reacted badly to interferon but am finding Rux has returned me to my old self - fingers crossed.
I had the most appalling prurititis but stopped bodily contact with water and it largely stopped thank heavens.
Rux hasn’t made a difference I don’t think as far as pruritis is concerned, ( I still itch if I wear tights occasionally) but has certainly made me better in myself.
Would recommend it!
Louise x
I think you’re in for a nice surprise switching to Rux, especially in terms of itching. Rux is excellent for reducing or more likely eliminating itch, also excellent for reducing counts.
Pegasys etc can increase or cause itch. Rux can for some reduce allele.
I eliminated my horrendous itch on Rux and allegedly my bone marrow is better than 7 years ago pre Rux. I don’t know if that improvement would be sustained if I stopt Rux but I am happy with those results for now. I have no sides.
I can’t help with Rux as have no experience but I can say that my itch after bath was pretty bad. Have recently had to stop peg and itch is much better. Good luck
I am on Besremi and because of increased pruritus I began a small dose of Ruxolitinib (5mg, 2xdaily). It has significantly reduced my itching. You may want to ask your specialist if this is a viable option for you.
thankyou, i thinks its the question also of reducing the high haemoglobin.what is Besremi?