Good morning from Brisbane, Australia 👋🏻
I’ve got ET JAK2 pos and have started to get the itchies 😆
I have read that it’s common with PV but I wondered about ET?
I’ve been trially contact lenses and my eyes aren’t so happy with them. I’ve tried a variety, some monthly’s, some dailies. My left eye is mostly unhappy and I wondered if it may be allergy, just my touchy system as I carry 2 epipens for anaphylaxis (wheat allergy triggered by exercise/heat).
My eyes tend to have dry spots now which I never had before. I had read that the eyes can be affected with an MPN… 🤔
I may be able to get by wearing just one contact lens. I just wanted the contact lenses for occasional use on our holiday coming up.
The weather here may be the cause of the discomfort being so humid, hot and stormy 🧐
I see the optometrist today and will ask before I begin taking Zyrtec regularly again.
Thank you for your thoughts 😃