hi has anyone claimed benefits like pip while having a mpn
claiming benefits : hi has anyone claimed... - MPN Voice
claiming benefits

I am on full PIP for care and mobility. I have Osteoporosis now probably thanks to my Hydroxy, but it means I have to use a wheelchair. I have Polycythemia so add on the overwhelming fatigue and associated symptoms and yes, I qualify.
Yes I am on pip but I also had a brain operation that went wrong I have been on it for a while first step was filling out a form and had to send it to my hospital to get my nurse specialist to fill in her part of the form there are two parts general day to day living and also mobility they score each section I am on middle rate for day to day living and lower rate for mobility I also get ESAGood luck with it
Stay safe
Scottish terrier x
I get PIP, Daily Living (middle rate) I have PV, but the PIP is for the after-effects of a stroke I had in 2012... essential tremor and weak right leg/drop foot... undiagnosed PV caused the stroke.
I would suggest making an appointment with Citizens Advice as they helped me fill out the forms - you will also need to provide letters from your GP/Consultant. The more evidence the better. I provided letters from my GP, Haemotologist and Neurologist.
Good luck with your claim.
You are awarded PIp (under pension age) or Attendance Allowance (over pension age) because of the way you are affected by your condition not just because of the diagnosis. I would strongly recommend that you talk to a benefits adviser. Macmillan have welfare benefits advisers as do Maggies Centres. Some local authorities also have Welfare Rights Officers. There’s also a lot of information on line. A supporting letter from your specialist nurse or consultant haematologist. Describe how you are affected - yes you can dress yourself but you have to keep stopping and you are out of breath when you’re finished. You can go upstairs but one step at a time and pausing on the landing to get your breath - and you only go up and down once a day. If your form looks like war and peace so much the better - you have to give a picture of how you are affected. Good Luck !
Hi badger yes I have pips, turned down first time and appealed and had it awarded second attempt. I have MF secondary after having PV that has also effected my heart, I claimed just before retirement last year and was awarded high mobility allowance and lower disability allowance, don't miss out on claiming this.
Hi, like the others here I claim pip and esa but for reumatoid arthritis and spinal nerve damage not for Et jak2 that only recently diagnosed.would recommend the same as Jack and rose week help from Macmillan/leukaemia care both have welfare help teams.Good luck and be brutally honest with how you are effected ( helps to keep a diary through a day)
I f you get turned down appeal- a high proportion of people win on appeal. The tribunal members can see you and ask questions- many DWP decisions are overturned.
I get attendance allowance but this year they reduced it because I don't need help in the night. I'm in less pain now from the compression fractures but I'm not going to admit it to them because I could get another one at any moment, and I'm likely to have osteoporosis by now as well. So pain or not, I'm still restricted and it hurts to walk even with a stick. In fact, I would like to ditch the stick in order to stand up straighter but the stick also gives me some stability and warns others that I'm not as nimble as them and so cannot just jump out of their way - you know what it's like with invisible conditions.
Recommend site Benefits and Work who provide a great service with regularly updated walk through guides for a modest fee under £20. Can be the difference between getting an award or getting knocked back. I'm not on commission 😃 but many deserving cases fail through ignorance of what's required to make a successful claim and appeal if necessary.
You have to fill the form out based on you worst day, keep a copy too. During the phone call from them the same applies worst day.
Look up your nearest disability office they are brilliant in helping fill out the forms and appealing, keep trying.