have not posted in a while. Posting for my husband who is 73yr male diagnosed with MF JAK2 back in 2020
He has seen an MPN Dr since 2020 when first diagnosed. End of March he felt dizzy lightheaded, sweaty and shortness of breath
We went to the ER and WBC was high 17 they did all sorts of tests but did not find any infection
He was on 600 droxia and the Dr reduced to 200
Blood results show that WBC continues to go up to 22 , RBC 2.99 hemoglobin 8.5 hematocrit 27
Blast gone up from .4 to .68 within a week
He feels better today but every day it’s different his MNP doctor is requesting another BMB but can this disease progress this fast ? Very concerned
Since December all his numbers were normal