I've been on Jakafi for a couple of months and am starting to see indications of a possible bladder infection. I understand that UTIs are a reported side effect of this medication. I found a posting on this topic from a few years ago and was wondering if anyone else has been having this problem.
Ruxolitinib and urinary tract infections - MPN Voice
Ruxolitinib and urinary tract infections
I had one UTI in about four years on Jakafi.
Jakafi definitely lowers the immune system leaving you vulnerable to all kinds of things. I didn't have a bladder infection but did have shingles followed almost immediately by a contagious eye infection.
sorry to hear you have had those infections, I have been on Rux 5 years, I have had shingles recently (I wonder how much the Covid vaccines contributed) otherwise my immune system is so far better than the average persons, I get less colds than most and am in good health out with having a MPN, I do however look after my health as in eat well, take supplements where a blood test shows deficiency and exercise regularly.
I would say that Rux does for some have immune suppression properties but I wouldn’t say it necessarily lowers immunity enough to cause issues, I know many on Rux without immunity issues, I should add I have PV and MF tends to contribute more to immune issues. I think Novartis says 6% on Rux get shingles. I hear the Singrix vaccine is good if not 100%.
Thanks for your message. I've never had shingles but have had the shot as a preventative. Colds haven't been too bad - usually once a year but less during Covid isolation. I tend to get UTIs every few years, so I wasn't surprised to see those symptoms now. However, it seems to be going away of its own accord.