Just wondering if after having Covid anyones platelet count came down. My platelets have been in the 500’s for a long time. I had my usual 8 week bloods and was amazed that my platelets had gone down to 385. I’m not complaining but curious. This is the lowest they have been since being diagnosed in 2016.
Covid : Just wondering if after having Covid... - MPN Voice

Typically an infection would tend to increase platelet levels if it had any impact. I believe someone else on the forum posted a similar experience. COVID had no impact on my platelet levels. It may just be one of the vagaries of a strange disease.
I had covid the day my bloods were taken and I believe they altered them considerably. I don't know ehy or what but they were very different to my others. Especially lymphocytes count. That went from 4 to 0.9. I tested positive the same day they were done. I didn't know until I got home and did a lateral flow.
Viruses usually lower things i think. The pharmacist from haematology told me mine were very different. I think they would discount them if you have a mpn
I'm not diagnosed with anything yet.
From reading abiut covid jabs most people with problems were having low platelets after. Thrombocytopenia
Thank you for your reply. I did read today on another MPN site that this has happened to a few people, Covid altering blood levels, but there were also a few who said covid had no effect on their blood results. Suppose it depends on the individual.
COVID-19 patients can be classified into mild, moderate, and severe. Several haematological parameters, such as platelets, white blood cell total count, lymphocytes, neutrophils, (together with neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratio), and haemoglobin were described to be associated with COVID-19 infection and severity. The purpose of these review is to describe the current state of the art about complete blood count alterations during COVID-19 infection, and to summarize the crucial role of some haematological parameters during the course of the disease. Decreased platelet, lymphocyte, haemoglobin, eosinophil, and basophil count, increased neutrophil count and neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratio have been associated with COVID-19 infection
Mine also went to 378 and were higher before.
From this study it seems to lower platelets.
I know it definitely lowered my lymphocytes to 0.9. And I believe my platelets were falsely decreased too. And in nearly 20 years my white cell count has never been lower than my blood test when I actually tested positive. I know I've had a bad do with this latest covid. I had it first at lockdown too. I had no test then but I know I did. Never felt so poorly as then. And it's had lasting effects on me. Tachycardia. And breathing. I even paid a year later for an antibody test just to try to prove I got it at lockdown but after paying 70 quid it came back negative BUT i hadn't realised you had to do it within 3 months it said.. I think my bloods prove it all though now.
Kizzy. I think they don't know yet about what covid does yo some in the long term. They are still learning. They csnt know yet because its new.
My platelets have gone WAY down after each covid shot, so it makes sense that they would go down after actual covid. This will change; they will slowly go back up to your "normal".
Thank you. Mine have always kept the same after Covid shots so yes it does make sense, I suppose all our bodies react differently.
I had my covid 3rd jab and hadn't had my bloods done since 2015. This was December 2021. I went for blood tests because I had severe dizziness and tachycardia and my blood pressure (which I have been medicated for for years) had risen to a stupid level.
After the first blood tests done 1 week after my jab my platelets were 500 odd. I was also given antibiotics at my gp appointment and aftera course of antibiotics my platelets went higher and my gp said it was unusual.
I had a third lot done and 478. And back up to haematology 3 months later as I had suffered high platelets and whites before in 2008 2009 when I was discharged saying they would watch and wait and then et was not classed as a cancer.
If jabs lower platelets then god help me because mine were high a week after. I don't know for how long because I never had bloods since 2015. And I had several symptoms before my bloods that could have related to this platelet rise. I'm still being checked out.
I've just had covid again and the day I tested positive my platelets went to 378. I have got blood forms again but I want to wait until last minute before my appointment 31st August before doing them as I believe covid and the jabs alter blood test results considerably although my haematologist secretary says having covid doesnt alter any results. That's a mad comment to make. Irs a virus.
My lymphocytes had also risen to over the threshold when I had the covid jab (again don't know how long this had been the case) but after having blood tests the day I had covid they went to below threshold.
Were 4 .1 after jab and 0.9 after having covid.
After reading and researching I think that having Covid does have some impact on platelet count. I am due my next Covid jab , just got to make an appointment, then bloods to be taken 21st August. It will be interesting to see the results of my next blood test. I also just remembered that my HCT was 0.43 after having Covid , the first time in 2 years I didn’t require a venesection. Last month my HCT had risen to O.48. They called me in for venesection.
Just seems strange that my hospital says that blood counts are not affected by covid.
Seems they just would be happy to ignore the FACT that it lowers levels and can mask thrombocytosis
I would think especially as I have had high platelets for a few months and years before this latest lot. And I just don't want to get discharged because I have a normal count because I have covid.
They are looking at my tests when I had covid as a normal count and it may hinder my probable diagnosis. I was told they are going to monitor but for how long I wonder. I hope the haematologist thinks different to the receptionist who is adamant that covid does not affect blood test results. It does. Especially my wbc. I have never had a normal count in 2003 to now. And suddenly do. Plus lymphocytes were 4 for 4 months and then suddenly 0.9.
And when I spoke to a lymphoma practitioner (nothing to do with my problem....It'd just they passed me over to ask about my blood tests) he was on about my lymphocytes count and I said to him in all the years I have gp blood tests my lymphocytes count had always been 2.3 and had jumped to 4 and there they stsyed 4 months later until I actually got covid and then dropped. He asked if I had the vaccine at the time of my december bloods which I had.
I've looked up covid vaccines and lymphocytes counts but it always says they decrease. I'm just strange I guess but I want answers. Something is going on and I want to know what.
I had my bmb done while being sick with covid and my platelets were down from mid 700s to 600 even.