Hello, all, as many of you know, I had my second BMB recently. I got my written report a couple days later with a note from my doctor saying to make an appointment 4 weeks out to discuss. The problem is the report had so much medical terminology that was over my head and was causing me much anxiety. So, I called and asked if I could at least have a quick teleconference to put my mind at ease.
The good news is that the nurse finally called yesterday and said my bone marrow had not changed in the last 2 years. However there was one item on my report that I brought to her attention. On my BMB from 2 years ago, it says there was “no significant reticulin fibrosis” and on the most recent one it says “moderate to severe reticulin fibrosis 2-3+/3.” She said she would bring that up to my doctor. That was the only thing that really worried me. The other conclusions were pretty much consistent with the prior BMB. The final conclusion was “persistent MPN with idiopathic myelofibrosis”.
Best wishes to all.