Can you take viagra if you are taking hydroxycarbamide for PV
Viagra and hydroxycarbamide?: Can you take viagra... - MPN Voice
Viagra and hydroxycarbamide?

It didn't find any serious interactions. This is all I found:
The metabolism of Sildenafil can be decreased when combined with Hydroxyurea.
But you should check with your doctor still.
Hi I can’t answer your question but thought I’d pass on my doctors caution that while I’m on it I can’t exchange bodily fluids with my husband. Good luck to you. Katie

Hi CountySteve, check with your doctor. Best wishes, Maz
Hi everyone, On this intimate subject of sex, i was a little shocked to discover ( after a little research ) that maybe we should be using protection as a barrier to protect our partners, i was not aware of his, My GP or Consultant have never ever mentioned this possibility. My next telephone consultation with my consultant is on the 15th, so i will ask. Regards to everyone and keep safe.
There is no problems listed with Viagra - hydroxyurea. As always, conform with your doc. You may also want to ask about Cialis as an alternative to Viagra. It does not flag with an interaction either.
I see you already picked up on the info that sexually active couples need to use a condom to prevent exposure to HU via bodily fluids. HU passes into semen and vaginal secretions. Since HU is a highly toxic medication (teratogen, mutagen, carcinogen, leukemogen) avoiding exposure for the partner not taking it is very important. It is also very important for you to wash your hands after handling the med. If your partner even handles the bottle, she should wear gloves. Unfortunately many people do not get these warnings, and only some of the patient education leaflets contain the instructions.
All the best to you.