Hi I have been diagnosed with ET for about 3 years now, have been on baby aspirin and for the last 4 Months I have just started interferon injections, but have been getting quite a lot of hair loss, has anybody else experienced this?
Hair loss on Interferon : Hi I have been diagnosed... - MPN Voice
Hair loss on Interferon

I was on the quick acting interferon 3 x per week and after year & half lost quite a lot of hair. It seems to alter the structure of it. Mine went all whispy then snapped off plus long strands would come out when washing. To help minimize I always brush from tips to roots very gently (as hair ends became very knotty & fragile), never wash hair over a tub etc (don't wash hair leaning over). I used a rosemary, thyme, marshmallow root hair spray which really helped. You'll need to Google rosemary hair rinse recipe.
My hair thinned terribly on interferon. I did read that the follicle sheds the hair intermittently in cycles. Menthol shampoo stimulated regrowth. I switched from ordinary to pegylated interferon after 6 months and it improved gradually. It will grow back.
Hi Nickifoxy. I’ve been on pegolated interferon (Pegasys) for two years. I was steered n the direction of Aveda Invati range. It has helped stop the hair snapping off etc but be warned it’s expensive. I order it online and I wouldn’t use anything else Cheers Mark.
Yes I was on interferon and had quite a lot of hair loss and other side effects. I am now on the pegalated and my hair has grown back and I have less side effects overall, and it’s only once a week, all in all much better.
Take care and hope you get it sorted. Sue