Bone marrow biopsy: Does bone marrow biopsy hurt... - MPN Voice

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Bone marrow biopsy

Winterella profile image
41 Replies

Does bone marrow biopsy hurt? (Ikkk!) Please write from your personal experience. Thanks!

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Winterella profile image
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41 Replies
Vancritch profile image

Hi..ok yes it hurts but I have mf n my bones are hard cos of the mf so its toughter bone to get through. Ask for gas n air or if it's in a few weeks see if u can have a bit of sedation....but with both u have to have someone to drive u home. Plus it hurts to walk after the local is wearing off. Think I use all the gas n air in the hospital last time n I was in a fair amount of pain.. walked like a duck (or like my bum had been attacked) after for about half n hour...then there is the padding they put on...its like the old style sanitary towel...not sure it looks the best in skinny jeggings🙈...yes it hurt I'm not going to lie but the whole thing lasted about 20 to 30 mins n most of that is the person fafing around n getting everything ready before hand..which does not help the anxiety..ive had 2 n i will have 2 more in the next year (all being well)..all I can say is it has to be done...its not nice..but 30 mins n ur done. Take gas..take some one with u so u can squeeze their they get to take the mick out of u after gas...u will be ok..u will find ur own way to cope. We all do. it's has to many of us have them. Talk to them before about the options for gas etc. Its a bit like someone corking a bottle of wine...but in ur pelvis..they give u local...but like I said mine was more painful cos my bones have hardened. So that may not be ur experience plus I'm very sensitive apparently..🤔 well my bones are.😉..others will say it didn't hurt n that is their experience..were all different. Just go with what u feel comfortable with. I hope I've not scared u I said that was my the end I was off my face on bf has alot of mick taking material...I'm not relishing the next one but its half an hour.

westlieght profile image
westlieght in reply toVancritch

Hi I have to agree if bone marrow done with Suspect MF it will be more painful ! had four Over 14 years my last one was done in theatre put under , as the one before was very painful I thought there was going to be a change in my diagnosis as there was post ET-MF

Wishing you well speak out if your not happy I’ve found my GP/ haematologist and cancer nurse all supportive!

socrates_8 profile image

Hey WinterElla... :-)

Be brave girl... There's a small pinch, however, in my two BMBs I barely noticed the whole procedure due to the gas that was used, and the 'general' around the extraction point etc...

What you will need, is someone to drop you off & to collect you, as one really should not be stumbling around at all after having this type of procedure, in my view...

The health worker who performs the event will likely keep you there for a while until the effects begin to wear off completely. However, better that happens when you are also home in more familiar surroundings too...

It was all forgotten within a few days, in my case...

I am hoping & wishing for a smooth pain-free procedure for you too...

Best wishes WinterElla... 8-)


I had mine two years ago performed by my haematologist

Small injection in the area. Felt nothing just a slight sensation. The procedure in my case was over in under five mins .I then had to rest for 20 mins before l could leave. This wait was done to check on any possible bleeding. No pain whatsoever before or after the injection wore off. I got my results some two weeks after that

kaymack profile image

Hi Winterella,

Mine was not painful at all. I felt a bit of pressure, but the gas took away any pain. It was so much easier than I expected.

Good luck,


Hi, I had a little discomfort and a bit of pressure, no gas and air. Guess everyone is different, try and relax, I am sure this should help.

Good luck Lynn.

eire profile image

I have MS and was given an injection first. The haem told me she didn't believe in anyone suffering and have me a good dose!!! It was uncomfortable for a few days afterwards but no pain at the time. Good luck.

eire profile image

Should be MF not MS!!!!!!!

kiwitraveller profile image

I have level 1 Myelofibrosis and my biopsy was uncomfortable but did not hurt. It varies from person to person. Deep breathing to help you relax because am sure it would hurt more if your muscles were tense. Take care ❤️

Chaz1 profile image

I'd suggest taking headphones so you can listen to some music to take your mind off it. Everyone has different experiences the same as with things like childbirth, (my childbirth was painless, others say they couldn't get enough pain relief).

If I remember rightly hubby was advised to take paracetamol just before he arrived, they used local anesthetic & he did have the option of gas & air but he didn't want to have that. I was allowed in with him & the nurse & I chatted away the whole time which distracted him, unfortunately atm can't take someone in with you - hence suggestion of headphones.

They topped up the anesthetic whenever he needed so don't be a hero, if it hurts ask for extra.

Definitely need a rest afterwards & will be sore for a few days but important to keep moving.

Hope it goes ok x

MCW22 profile image

Take some pain killers immediately before you go in because the local anesthesia they give is not enough.


Emmadiaz profile image

I have ET and my procedure was pretty painless. It was a little weird to feel a tugging sensation, but almost no pain. My nurse told me it often depends on a lot of things, like the disease and progression.

Overall, I did a lot of worrying and it was a very easy procedure. I did get anxiety medication, which helped.

OZland profile image

I had only one and it hurt like a bastard! I almost overdosed on a “whistle” as nurse had to take it away . I swore if I ever had to do one I’d pay and go with general anaesthetic

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toOZland

Me too! While I was waiting, my friend remarked how calm I was, and I was. Right up to the point where I had the injection, which was painful enough. All the time, the doctor and the nurse were chatting to me to distract me. I do wish they wouldn't do that. Anyway, to make matters worse, they didn't get enough sample and asked whether I would prefer to have a second BMB then and there or come back for it. As they were already "in", I opted to stay.

I asked if I would need any more BMBs, and they said it was possible, to which I replied that next time I would have it under general anaesthetic. "We don't do that here" was the answer. They told me some people don't have any pain and talked about a man who felt nothing at all. It hurt for days afterwards. I have arthritis, and the pain was very similar. Definitely not something I would want to go through again. I wonder how it is some people don't have pain - is it the patient's response to pain or is it to do with the pathway the needle takes.

Irishgal12 profile image

To be honest I didnt think it was as bad as I thought it would be. Its painful but tolerable. Good luck

BellaNZ profile image

Hi Winterella, I had my first BMB yesterday. I suffer from anxiety so was not looking forward to the procedure, but was pleasantly surprised.

I only had local anaesthetic in the site, a sharp pinch, and the experience feels mostly like pressure - someone pressing in my hip from behind. When the fluid was taken I felt a very brief sharp pain, and the biopsy I could feel an odd sensation, but the haematologist was really good at explaining what was about to happen, and told me when it was coming, and to take deep breaths. My husband was also a huge help to distract me, and the procedure was actually over a lot quicker than I thought it would be.

I basically felt numb most of the afternoon post biopsy, and took that time to do some very gentle walking. Once the feeling returned I had a dull ache, so just one panadol helped to get to sleep.

Today I feel better, I definitely know something went on back there, being cautious about bending and turning too quickly can cause some discomfort, but gentle walking is good to help you from feeling tight and also resting on your side on the opposite hip to where you had the biopsy helps too.

Remember to breathe, have whoever is doing the procedure talk to you through it and also if you can take someone in to hold your hand and distract you also it helps.

Sending positive thoughts your way, and you can also close your eyes and go to your happy place - think of your favourite place with people you love and you will be nice and relaxed and also make yourself smile, it helps to melt the tense moments ❤️

Confusingdisease profile image
Confusingdisease in reply toBellaNZ

how did your bone marrow biopsy go?

Ebot profile image

I’ve had two. Not my idea of a leisure activity but perfectly manageable. First one was more straightforward. Second was a bit of a tussle! It can be quite a physical procedure! Local anaesthetic at the injection site. Definitely wasn’t offered gas and air or anything like that. And certainly not worth a GA. I think more mind over matter. It’s a pretty routine and fast procedure.

I suspect more demanding the more the procedure is repeated and the more profound the disease but for a young first timer you should be absolutely fine. You’ve done childbirth? This is a picnic!!!

My advice would be to take it easy directly afterwards. The first time I walked down four flights of stairs, took a long march back to the car and then accidentally sat down hard on the edge of the bucket car seat (anaesthetic had worn off by this time!). All a big mistake!! The second time, I took the lift down, the car was parked next to the hospital etc etc. Much quicker recovery!!! (I didn’t drive myself either time.)

But this isn’t a procedure that’s always offered or thought necessary. I imagine no one would be in a hurry to carry one out in the current climate.

home1970 profile image

It does hurt for a few seconds. You will feel the needle going in. You have to be still during the procedure. It takes around 20 minutes. The will give you as many sedation as you needed it. Take someone with you. Stay positive.

Lifam profile image

I live in Australia, when we have BMB we will be given local anaesthetic, I had mine done last May and the whole procedure finished within 25 minutes, no pain at all, I didn't feel a thing. Just relax and you'll be fine.

lizzziep profile image

The worst part of my BMB was when the doctor asked for a longer instrument to get through my "padding" on my hips!! I had gas and air, just felt a bit of tugging. It didn't take long and I was soon having a cup of tea and a biscuit before going home. I think everyones experience is different, a bit like ET. Hope all goes well and you're ok.

I've had 5 over a 30 year period with an mpn. I asked for and got sedation with no. 4 as no.3 had been tricky. It meant I had no pain or recollection of procedure but it took up much more time and I had to be collected. I didn't bother asking for it with no. 5 - just wanted to get it done. Gas and air was never suggested but sounds the way to go - didn't know it was a possibility. Nor were welcome cups of tea offered - it was all just treated, not unkindly but briskly, as an every day event. Nurse held my ankle at last one as couldn't hold my hand due to way room laid out but even that was helpful!

Really was glad to have them despite discomfort as gave a clearer view of what was going on over the years. Also some were also sent away for research purposes which hopefully was helpful.

Dodders profile image

I've had 5 aspirations. Only one was, briefly, extremely painful. This was performed by a trainee, over seen by a very experienced Dr. I didn't want to refuse the trainee the opportunity to practice but I'm not sure I'd do that again. All the others were ok, a small amount of discomfort and a reasonably quick procedure. If done by an experienced practitioner it isn't bad.

Cja1956 profile image

The first one I had was done in a doctors office in 2008. I was so nervous so I asked my sister to come. But it wasn’t so bad and was very quick. My diagnosis was ET Jak2 positive. I was able to get up and walk out with no problem.

My second one was done last year after I finally changed hematologists. She wanted it done In the hospital with mild sedation. I think because I was older (age 63), it was more painful, took longer, and the for the next day or two, I was very uncomfortable. This time I was diagnosed with post ET MF, so I suspect that’s why.

Either way, it could have been worse and I’m glad I did it so I could get the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Take care and all the best.


Jlah profile image

Sorry to say mine was excruciating- had to go in twice and couldn’t get a good sample. Unfortunately I believe this is linked to the state of your bone marrow. Mine was grade 3 - not good. I hope yours is pain free as it is for many people. Good luck Jx

MPN123 profile image

As with our own MPN's, our experiences can differ. They knocked me out when I had mine so I had no pain. I also had no pain afterwards. It was like it never happened. But, it confirmed my ET. Enlarged megakaryocytes making too many platelets.

Jenny_F profile image

I’ve had a couple and the first one I had wasn’t nice but that was some years ago so I think things will have advanced. My most recent one was relatively painless, I just had a local injection then once it was done I commuted home no problem.

Bears23 profile image

I had two, neither that bad. A little pressure and it is over in about 3 minutes. Definitely glad I had it done. They used my first one to compare progression.

Scrollernut profile image

I was put to sleep. No pain whatsoever but I’ve heard without going under it can be painful.

Vtr1000 profile image

Hi Winterella, I had my done as a baseline. They offered me the choice of gas and air to go with a local anaesthetic but I decided on just the anaesthetic. Wasn’t long before I gladly excepted the gas and air. Once the gas and air kicked in it was pain free. The dr explained that usually if your younger you feel it more than if your older. As someone has already said the pain is similar to childbirth. Used gas and air then. For me the thought of it was worse than the actual experience. Definitely have someone to drive you home as it’s a bit tender.

ChelseaF profile image

I have had two. The first was with light sedation which apparently did nothing to help. I remember everything and it was awful. They had to go in twice. The doctor was complaining about my hard bones. My husband nearly passed out watching. I was in bed for a couple days because bearing weight on that side sent shooting pains to my hip/low back. It was sore for a couple weeks. And for all that, it was a tiny, poor sample that gave up little information.

My second biopsy was with no sedation. It was just uncomfortable but not very painful. I was able to bear weight on it just fine afterward. Night and day difference!

I’m not sure why it was so different. The second biopsy was with a different doctor and she was liberal with the lidocaine and made sure I was very numb, but they can’t numb the bone. It could be down to the skill of the person performing it, I don’t know.

beckyluck profile image

I had one a few years ago, I found it very uncomfortable and quite painful, I just had the local injection beforehand.

Afterwards I was told I needed to wait to make sure all was ok, about 10 minutes later I passed out!!! So I ended up spending about an hour with the wonderful doctor and nurse frequently checking up on me, my husband was there too! It was our wedding anniversary and not the way I intended for us to spend it!

Fainting isn’t unusual for me, I seem to pass out whenever I have any procedure done, not sure why?

Anyway, surely it depends on an individuals pain threshold, if I ever need another one I’ll ask to be put out!!


Teish77 profile image

Hi, reading the replies on here, i must have a low pain thresh hold as i was in so much pain and i must say i did scream out in pain if the doctor was in front of me I probably would of hit her. But after the pain it was worth it as i had been having blood teats for over 6 months them blamed it on me smoking till the bmb. I will say if you can get any pain relief take it,i was not clued up on this sort of cancer till they dianogised me, i have pv ive been living with it now for 6 years i was 36 when diagnosed. Good luck and look after yourself x

Quirk profile image

Hi there, I’ve just had a bone marrow biopsy two days ago.

It’s a slightly uncomfortable procedure that takes about 20 -30 minutes, but you’ll receive local anaesthetic which will numb and take away all the pain. You will feel a sting from the anaesthetic but that will numb quickly.

The sensation of the procedure is odd but not overly painful. Long deep breaths help to stay calm.

Afterwards, the area will be tender and some pain killers will help manage the ache. But it’s not awful pain. It’s very bearable.

You’ll be fine!


ladyanello profile image

I had my first without sedation and it was barely painful - a bit sore but that is all. My second was under sedation but more uncomfortable while happening and afterwards. I've been told it is the skill of the person doing the biopsy that matters so ask the nurses who should do it if you have that choice. Either way, my pain was manageable.

Melanie66 profile image

Hello ...I have had a bmb...and was so afraid because all I had heard was how painful this was going to be ....I had a really friendly nurse who I had explained to how afraid I was because of what I had heard ....she was great in that she was really understanding and explained to me how it was going to be and that it would be over so quickly....I realised that all of my fear was for nothing was not painful ....for a few days after there was a feeling of discomfort but nothing more ....I can only speak for me and tell you my truth.... I had my ET confirmed through bmb so this test is vital for confirmation of MPN ....

Hope this helps ..


Dazakella2010 profile image

I have had 2 bmb and I found the second part of the procedure the most painful.... but as I was told the younger you are the more painful it is as your bones are stronger. Once I was given gas and air it was much better and it really wouldn’t worry me if I was told I needed another one. X

caroline_284 profile image

Hi, Yes I was dreading it,but it wasn't as bad as I had feared and any pain was short and I am sure helped by gas and air. Good luck.

crapaud profile image

I had 4 over a couple of years and my experience changed progressively (PMF so 'hard' bones and difficult to extract the bone marrow - for example the first small extraction in the sternum was abandoned because they couldn't get enough marrow).

1st experience, had a local injection no gas. A nice nurse did all she could to distract me, but it hurt. OK a couple of hours later though.

2nd experience, no gas(my wife told the doctor I was a tough one so no point in giving gas - didn't ask me though!), local injection , hurt, but I was less surprised knew what to expect so didn't seem as bad.

3rd experience: had a seance of calming relaxing music before and during and that helped a lot.

4th experience: I had learnt 'auto-hypnosis' and hardly felt the procedure at all.

Take care


Ann16 profile image

Hi, mine was very painful! They tried to numb the area around the site but it didn’t work well Lots of bruising afterwards. Hope yours will go well! Ann16

WRLM profile image

I just had my first a couple of months ago. I was a bit anxious going in, but was told it would only take 15-20 mins (all in, including set up etc) so I figured it couldn’t be that bad…

Ya, after almost an hour of not being able to get a sample the first dr gave up and called in another dr. It took the 2nd dr almost half an hour. It was awful having to lay still all curled up for that long.

I wasn’t offered any sedatives or anxiety meds, but I guarantee they’ll never get me back in there for another one without some sort of anti anxiety meds before hand.

On the upside, it barely hurt once it was over. It felt bruised in that area if I rolled on that side the first night, but was a-ok after that, just a tiny bit tender to the touch for a day or so.

I’m sure my experience was well out of the norm, so take it with a grain of salt. I’m sure you’ll do fine!

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