I'm due to have a bone marrow biopsy in a few weeks, please could anybody tell me how long it takes to get over ,as we are in the middle of moving house?
Bone marrow biopsy : I'm due to have a bone marrow... - MPN Voice
Bone marrow biopsy

Morning, I've had three so far I think. Besides them not being very pleasant and feeling a bit bruised after I went back to work in the afternoon of all of them. Everyone reacts different some say they are a walk in the park and some take a few days to recover.
I hope for you it's not to painful. X
I have had 3 BMBs, ready for 'action' the next day with each of them.
Take care
Hi Cheryl - everyone reacts differently but I drove home after mine and went back to work the next morning.
Good luck
The next day you should be ok, maybe just a bit achy in your back.
I will a little uncomfortable day after but not too bad. Good luck!
I would be prepared it to be sore for a couple of days. I thought it would be a walk in the park and to me it was a surprise how sore it became. It's only local soreness, however.
Thanks for your reply,I have bone pain anyway ,so now I'll be prepared . Hope you are keeping well.
Hi. I was sore in my hip for 2 days but not horribly so. Katie
I had 2 one week apart as first one not enough marrow taken. A little pushing etc but not as bad as the thought of it . Both times ok after although a little bruised when lying in bed. Good luck. Take deep breaths all through it helps.
We all vary so much! I could not drive for a couple of days because when I moved my foot on the pedals it pushed my back into the seat right on the BMB site. A lot would depend on the exact site and the design of the car seat I guess. The process itself was not as bad as I had anticipated. Good luck with yours
Had one early in my diagnosis and was worried going into it as I didn't know what to expect about everything. It was fine with small local soreness after for a day.
Good luck, let me know how you get on
Many thanks to all you lovely people who have answered my questions, it's nice to know I'm not alone .
Hi Cheryl the procedure takes around 20 minutes however there's a bit of prep before so an hour should do it. I had mine a couple of weeks ago and it was fine. I will be honest as it can be painful but does wear off a bit afterwards. If like I had though the doctors and nurses are amazing and will explaineverything very clearly.
Cheers Noel x
I had no problem afterward. For me the anticipation was worse! And it ended up being not that bad at all. I just couldn't do any exercises that required me to put pressure on that are for about a week.