It seems Vitamin D is being recommended and I wondered if it's safe to take them alongside existing medications?
Are we allowed to take vitamin D supplements alo... - MPN Voice
Are we allowed to take vitamin D supplements alongside medications such as warfarin and hydroxycarbamide?

I have quite a high dose of Vitamin D prescribed by GP. I am on Ruxolitinib and blood thinner Apixaban. Low levels were diagnosed when GP initially investigating peripheral neuropathy. Haematologist knows I take it but I guess the usual advice is to check with your own team. I noticed the Scottish Government coronavirus site also had a link to warn people to watch their levels.
I take calcichew which is calcium and vitamin D prescribed by gp after spinal fractures. Dose should be 2 a day but I only take 1 as they cause constipation and slight nausea if I take 2. I'm PV Jak2 positive on ruxolitinib. I'm also on statins and Clopidogrel.
MCW22, you didn't mention using a magnesium supplement. Ruxolitinib reduces serum magnesium. Magnesium is a calcium manager, prevents platelets from sticking together and helps prevent constipation. Search on "Krispin magnesium" for further information. You mentioned spinal fractures, boron is worth on nothing boring about boron. Normally when a statin is prescribed CoQ10 or ubiquinol is also included. Ask your doctor about that and the others I've mentioned.
I was prescribed them too after very low levels a few years ago, I’m on hydroxy and aspirin. Told to take them for life!
I was told to by doctors.☺
My consultant told me to take Vit D3 every day. I'm on hydroxycarbamide and aspirin.
As best as I can tell, there are no known reactions between Warfarin and Vitamin D or Hydroxy. I've been taking vitamin supplements, including Vitamin D for decades, and I've been on Warfarin for the last ten or so. No problem according to my doc. I was also on Hydroxy for about six years during that period. No side effects.