Worried at the moment, i work on a maternity ward, direct contact with patients , i have ET and medication interferon alpha 2a, i know its safer than working in A and E department,but am still worried
ET and working in hospital : Worried at the moment... - MPN Voice
ET and working in hospital

Hi, I work for NHS Scotland and late afternoon yesterday all staff with chronic health conditions had to contact OHS for a clinical discussion and advice, the majority of those staff were then sent home immediately and told to social distance for 12 weeks. I emailed them late last night so haven't had my discussion yet, at the moment the advice is changing several times a day. If concerned you could try to contact your consultant or CNS for advice or try your OHS. Good luck, stay safe, virtual hugs
Hi there, we had a fairly similar thread going last week ‘nursing with ET during concerning times’ - quite a few of us in a similar position & Maz d/w the medical team who advised. Might be worth having a look at that as I found it interesting.
Nicky x
Thank you i have been sent home from work for 12 weeks, but said i might have to work from home if needed x
Oh how do you feel about that? Did occy health make that decision? Is it because you have symptoms? Or because of the ET/ treatments.
I’m still working. Wait & see I guess. X
I am a neonatal nurse, ET and on aspirin.
I spent most of ysday speaking to my HR dept, manager,and occupational health dept.. couldn’t get a straight answer from anyone( not their fault they are in the dark as much as we are).
Had a phone apt with my GP who is brill, modern thinking and sensible and he said 12 weeks self isolation definately for me and i should of already been doing it.
So i now am off work.
Whilst on 1 hand i think its a good call as whilst we arent at more of a risk as anyone else getting it if we do get it it coukd hit us harder, the thought of being in for 3mths is already stressing me.
I am also feeling so guilty about work and my colleagues... this isn’t what a nurse does.. she ‘rolls her sleeves up n mucks in’ especially at times like this.
i am thinking maybe i should wait until next week and the announcement from Government then maybe go back in to work n keep my fingers crossed?
I truly do not know what to do for the best for everyone.
Ps my other half still has to attend work so not sure how we can do this isolating.. will just have to try our best.
Take care everyone x
I know i feel the same, worked in nhs for 17 years,i didnt want to be sent home, but had no choice, i will if needed be working from home next week or so, giving advice patient and staff on infant feeding. Just keep safe x